Many of you who have seen my work may not know that every last cartoon I've made, from DevilSlayer to Magic Crack Rocks, to Vulvagaiyumi to Xenophobe...was drawn with a mouse I bought for 10 bucks at Meijer when I was 16. Yes, that's right. All of them. This mouse has gone through 20+ movies, and been there for everything. For the past 2 years it's been declining slowly, and I've searched high and low for another mouse that draws like it and I can't.
When the lag and the random double-clicking started (which caused me many-a-headache during the production of Xenophobe because it randomly exited me out of symbols and caused me to close the program and do other odd things involuntarily), I started buying more mice thinking that they all drew like this one, after all, it was the cheapest one at MEIJER. None have had the same precision. All draw with crusty, squiggly lines in flash, so I'd get refunds for them for the bad reading. (Yes, they actually gave me my money back for that. Wow.)
I think it was around 2 years ago that Newgrounds gifted me with this wonderful tablet, which has brought me much joy and fantastic art in PHOTOSHOP. But for Flash, I can't animate worth shit with it. The precision isn't nearly the same with vector, and I have been practicing since I got it but to hardly any avail. I'm trying hard to replicate my mouse style, but it's not cooperating.
So what does this mean for you? I probably won't be finishing my 67% Necropolis Synergy as soon as I expected. I am dedicated to learning to draw vector with this tablet (which I am mad grateful to Tom n them for) but if anybody else here draws/animates with a mouse like I've been and has a good suggestion for a brand that works well. PLEASE. TELL ME. Tanksbai