Queer black pulp trash cartoons & music. TV storyboard hooker for rent.

Kalen Whitfield @JazLyte

Age 34, Male

Storyboard Skank


Joined on 4/20/06

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1,542 / 1,600
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5.44 votes
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9y 10m 11d

JazLyte's News

Posted by JazLyte - February 26th, 2010

We are 38% Ultimate. 6 minutes to go.

Posted by JazLyte - February 23rd, 2010

Hey guys, I made a demo reel with some kewl clips from some of my best works. Enjoy.

I've decided to keep more of a presence in the portal in-between major projects, so expect some small stuff until the next Necropolis toon is finished. Deuces.

Posted by JazLyte - February 19th, 2010

So... Newgrounds has been a part of my life for 8 years now. No shit, been coming here since I caught another kid playing Bloody Rage at summer school in 6th grade, and I haven't gone a week without checking the portal since, and my my my do the fads and shit change fast.

This one though is actually one that uh... has been going on for a few years though now... It might be just me, but it seems like the original action series is disappearing. It seems like 90% of what comes through the portal (Movie-wise, not games) is Comedy, 7% is Drama or miscellaneous, and MAYBE 3% is action cartoons, 2/3 of that percent being rushed-together sprite movies.

Obviously people love to laugh including myself, but why is it that action flashes are dying off so fast? I feel like that moment when somebody does a sick ass move that makes you point and go "OOOHHHHH!!!" is just as exhilarating as a good laugh. This is just my opinion of course, I'm not mad about it or anything, but I'd really like to feel like me, Hulalaoo, Get-Lost, Duchednier, Coldreaver and Leafworthy aren't the only ones trying to make action tales anymore that aren't somebody else's characters. Obviously that's not true, but it feels like it sometimes now that NG is on this stick-comedy kick. Ehh.

Somebody fucking create the next Xombie/XIN/Paladin already, damn!

Bi bi.

Where'd all the action go...??

Posted by JazLyte - February 11th, 2010

Even though I try to keep my mou--...fingers shut about my projects nowadays, I can't help it. I love blogging and I love talking about my shit, so if you have a problem with it feel free to just leave a random ass sexual comment. Actually, I find those quite enjoyable. Anyways...

Necropolis Ultimatum
Possibly my biggest animated project yet? This story has been in my head, and in Word format for about 2 years now and now I'm getting tired of thinking about it. It was supposed to be Xenophobe, but Xenophobe took a COMPLETELY different direction halfway through production and is nothing like what it was intended to be. So in relation to this previous project, it'll be a direct sequel but I promise not to make it Xenophobe 2, I'm not referencing anything in the past story at all.

Story-wise, it's pretty much Romeo's revenge on the Christian church for killing Elixir, but not by ordinary means. This movie is the return of my cartoon alter-ego Jazz (Dread-headed lead-role of DevilSlayer, named after my username :P. he's not a black version of Devil May Cry's Dante anymore), he's something of a freelance medic who takes advantage of the church's street fights with Evolve. Though I'm not a Christian anymore, I got some big inspiration from the biblical book of Revalations that religious people will probably catch off the bat. I'm AIMING for the mid-March.

I'm still trying to decide if I want Necropolis to be a big thing with one story told in Episodes, or just a set of random OAVs. Meh, I know I'm splitting hairs, but I guess I really want to tell this story the right way. I've always liked the idea of making about 10 episodes then releasing them monthly after I'm done but I honestly don't think I have the focus or patience for that. Any opinions on that? What types of storylines do you prefer in cartoons, anime, and TV shows? One-shots (Most American cartoons), Story Arcs (90's X-men, Samurai Champloo), One big interweaving tale (FullMetal Alchemist, most anime)?
Yes your opinions are important to me, I'm not one of those flash animators who doesn't read reviews/comments/ opinions, I love talking to viewers so talk away. Regardless, back to animating, MORE RED BULL.

Rambles, Whoring and Shallow Promises

Posted by JazLyte - February 1st, 2010

Yeh nyukkah. Maybe summer.

Necropolis Ultimatum

Posted by JazLyte - January 7th, 2010

For the like 5 of you who saw my Vulvagaiyumi flash, the voice actor of the black woman was my homeboy Marquil and I've managed to violently drag him from Deviantart to Newgrounds to post his art. Look at it, and scout him you ffffffucks.

It's Akeem-J on here.

Home Skillet Biscuit

Posted by JazLyte - December 31st, 2009

I made a short toon just for the hell of it called Vulvagaiyumi's Day Off. Watch it.

Also, cookin' something in the kitchen. Lost some files, changed some audios, pestered some SHADOWFOX2s, but the idea and audio still remain. I would LIKE to see it in the portal at the end of this month. But me liking something doesn't necessarily mean it'll happen does it?

Point me to one anime of 09 that didn't just suck ass.

Posted by JazLyte - December 21st, 2009

I just thought I'd say this since alot of people don't seem to get it, I didn't get it until recently. When making flash, never over-think anything. It took me 4 years of animating to realize that it just doesn't fucking matter how much planning you put into a flash project, chances are unless you're Egoraptor or Chluaid, it'll probably have it's fun-run then fade into an obscurity so thick and viscous that you yourself won't really wanna watch it (Especially if you have new ideas).

Don't ever burn yourself out trying to come up with something wondering what people will think of it, nit picking at every tiny little detail hoping that people won't complain about it. There will always be haters, but there will also always be lovers. Find the shittiest spam you can find and you'll see that even it has alot of laughs and 10's. Life is wasted on inhibition and forethought, and so is flash. Make all the bullshit that pops into your head, I guarantee somebody will enjoy it.

That's all.

PS: My gay lover for the week is Retributionvox. He supplies my need for mulatto dick just like Paperbat USED TO, and if you call him, he can make it juicy for ya. Peace.

PSS: FUCK EVERY OTHER VERSION OF XMEN'S ROGUE THAN THIS ONE. God, why are you people so dead bent on making her a 14 year old emo bitch!?


Posted by JazLyte - December 10th, 2009

I was just looking through some old works on NG that I watched before I started flashing and it made me feel sentimental so I decided to post some shit people won't read about the flashers that inspire me. Hopefully some of them will read this post, get off their asses, and MAKE SOME NEW SHIT. Luv ya!

This guy is the reason my Necropolis exists on NG so go thank him if you like my shit. His animated series named after his username was the first thing I ever saw on NG. I was 11 years old. That was fucking 8 years ago, seriously. Also, he's from the D too, that was pretty kewl.
The creator of the EgoCity series who pretty much mentored me from a distance when I first started out.
Say what the fuck you may want to about LifePoint1, XIN was better than TV for me in it's hayday. I would beat somebody's ass to see them make a Season 3.
Even though this dude disappeared (Cry) I pretty could watch S.I.N. over and over, I don't know why. It's just something every anime-ish flasher needs to see at least once, it's like nobody knows he exists.
This guy pretty much is the level of animator I'm trying to compete with. His fight scenes are fucking amazing.
Story of Khale is one of the best things to hit the flash scene. That shit needs a movie.
The concept of my first series DevilSlayer was ripped from Fear Unlimited which was ripped from Devil May Cry. Nobody seemed to say anything about it, lol I don't know why. Maybe you guys were too busy looking at it's similarities to the Boondocks (Shiver >_<).

Now fellow animators, here is your homework. If you're not lazy, make a FP Post about your flash inpererer...rers... If you can't FP Post, comment it here, or blog it then link me to it in a comment or some shit...Iunno. Do something to distract me from making a Xenophobe animated series.
(Screenshot from SIN: Tortured Soul)

NG Animators that Inspire Me

Posted by JazLyte - November 30th, 2009

I'm not front paging this because frankly I don't want alot of people knowing, if I get to advertising I'll have sucked up all reason to make cartoons in the first place: my horrible overwhelming attention jones.
It's going to be the return of most of my old series main characters, will parody religion vs. progress again, and will feature a soundtrack by NG musician SHADOWFOX2 and rapper Scarr. Will feature some very familiar voice actors as well as some unknowns who need attention. I'm working on the animatic now... But I'm not giving you a release date because it'll be any one of the other 364 days of the year BUT that date, I'd clock it's progress at about 15% so it may be a sec. Deuces.

New Necropolis Toon Started