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Kalen Whitfield @JazLyte

Age 34, Male

Storyboard Skank


Joined on 4/20/06

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Where'd all the action go...??

Posted by JazLyte - February 19th, 2010

So... Newgrounds has been a part of my life for 8 years now. No shit, been coming here since I caught another kid playing Bloody Rage at summer school in 6th grade, and I haven't gone a week without checking the portal since, and my my my do the fads and shit change fast.

This one though is actually one that uh... has been going on for a few years though now... It might be just me, but it seems like the original action series is disappearing. It seems like 90% of what comes through the portal (Movie-wise, not games) is Comedy, 7% is Drama or miscellaneous, and MAYBE 3% is action cartoons, 2/3 of that percent being rushed-together sprite movies.

Obviously people love to laugh including myself, but why is it that action flashes are dying off so fast? I feel like that moment when somebody does a sick ass move that makes you point and go "OOOHHHHH!!!" is just as exhilarating as a good laugh. This is just my opinion of course, I'm not mad about it or anything, but I'd really like to feel like me, Hulalaoo, Get-Lost, Duchednier, Coldreaver and Leafworthy aren't the only ones trying to make action tales anymore that aren't somebody else's characters. Obviously that's not true, but it feels like it sometimes now that NG is on this stick-comedy kick. Ehh.

Somebody fucking create the next Xombie/XIN/Paladin already, damn!

Bi bi.

Where'd all the action go...??


probably because action animation is hard to do CORRECTLY and laughing is more exciting than 'stand there for ten minutes and talk, then throw punches and shit at each other' like sailor moon/dbz on toonami made it out to be long ago

Hahaha yeah I feel you. But it doesn't even have to be like that. I personally like having narrative (Not DBZ style), but just a random fight scenes would be cool too. I dunno. Obviously action is difficult but if you grind hard enough it's worth it in the end.

I'm working on an action comedy. I think it could do well and make the front page because it's probably gonna take me until summer to finish it.

Kewlio. Then if I catch it I will root for you, no doubt.

I agree so much I almost want to go make a fighting animation. But I won't because I'm busy and a fighting animation by me would be silly.

Not at all, the squishy animation and fast movements of your style would look sick with a little V-Cam madness mixed in. I, and I'm sure alot of other people would love to see that happen.

Maybe if you made some badass action flas for once somone may get inspired..

Just kidding, your shit is cash(except for theat fucking Vulvagaiyumi Happy Day and the female voice actors that scream there heads off in the animations you make) and most of the old shit is already finished dude, Xombie ended a long fucking time ago and they showed the last EP on the artists website. I don't know about Xin and Paladin is in the same boat as Xombie. They really need to get some bad ass animators to toss another kick ass flash series down our alley; hopefully someone will push threw the filth and reclaim the front page.

Hahaha don't be dissin Vulvagaiyumi she love daily emote carcinogen Jesus long time.
But I agree, there needs to be a revival of the Action Flash, it's been long awaited. I realize that these series have been concluded, when I say "somebody create the next one" I mean somebody make a new action series that turns heads like they did. Shit's getting kinda boring.

I'm actually extremely ambitious to try my hand at action animation, and I have a few projects on standby that may extract tears. I'm hoping that my 3D classes will help me put out a submission of ground-breaking action animation proportions for NG.

I was doubtful, though, because I noticed that maybe the lack of action and drama flashes was due to a lack of demand on the NG community, so people just weren't delivering. This news post put things into perspective in that truthfully, there are people that are demanding it.

Keep an eye out for me, and I'll try to deliver. :D

I think it may have been a lack of demand that contributed too, but I kinda wonder what came FIRST, people not thinking outside the box with action flash or people getting sick of the lameness. It could go either way. Regardless, don't be shy, PM me when you finish your flick I'd be glad to check it out =)

is fatherly bonds an action or comedy? :S it dosnt have dialogue in it, but has random violence. Does that count? I shuld make more random fight animations :D

Yes sir it does D:<

do action flashes necessarily have to include fights

Nope, just something that gets the other juices flowing IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.

Have to agree with the first poster. I'd love to see a lot of action flashes, but it's just not something that can be properly done by a majority of the artists on here. My only issue with most action scenes done on newgrounds is that it's so Dragonball Z induced, and thus, it's shit.



But yeah, I know, DBZ boasts the fucking laziest fight scenes of any cartoon ever next to Bandit King Jing (Don't get me started), but it's impressive to those who aren't too into animation, and typically the people who aren't too into animation are the ones who copy other cartoons fight styles to the letter so...it all works out to make legions of unimpressive flashes due to a lack of love.

all the guys who made stuff like that kind of grew out of it, then comedy sketches started gettin big and all the new starters wanted to grow up to be just like johnny utah or the swain or egoraptor or somethin, so I guess everyone likes that now.

the guy who made joe zombie is now explosm by the way, which really illustrates your point

Hm, indeed, and I had no idea...

I dunno, they're still around, but they've consisted more of one shot action videos rather than being in a series. Plus it depends on what you consider to be action. Personally I consider Ultra Sheriff - Nemesis and Pleasure Island to be some of the best action oriented flashes on here despite them being presented differently.

Ultra Sheriff is DEFINITELY quality action, and Pleasure Island is...well...Pleasure Island... which is way more than enough. I like one-shots, but I think I like series the best because I tend to get attached to characters, but yes they are around in small degrees.

Ive been noticing the same thing as well recently sad to say. Maybe it's cause that comedy flash's can appeal to most NG user's rather than most action flash's. It would be nice to see more out there now also are you in the process of making one? because if so thank you.

Yeah, Newgrounds audiences tend to enjoy things that are quick and fun and comedy typically fits the bill, so you are correct. You are also correct that I am working on an action flash, and I won't stop making them. Audience trends be daaaamned!!!!

I sounded so dickish in my response there. jus wanna say Im totally neutral to all this.

That someone should be you, i think the action series niche is hard to keep pumping stuff into and keep it interesting. If there is anything i've noticed about the community is that its very influenced and inspired by the trailblazers of the community, so like artists like explosm are dominating the portal right now so alot of people are more inclined to persue comedy and skits. We just need that breakthrough action series to either make a comback (in the case of older series) or set the pace for a new one.

I was kind of suprised we didnt get a more robot flavored series of movies after tarboy. Maybe my theory is totally phony.

Not at all, I think the categories of trend are just a little broader though. Like back in the day everybody wanted to be violent in any manner, Assassin, Brutality and Madness were catching alot of love back then. Then everybody wanted to make sagas around the time of Xombie, XIN and such, that was around the time I showed up, and now it's changed to minimalist comedy. It doesn't seem so much subject matter as much as general tone...at least that's how it looks to me. But I am damn well trying man.

I'm gonna make a bunch of bloody fucking gorific zombie movies after I do my last Madness Day thing. I wanna make them good. I've also been a visitor on NG (prolly like 6 years), and I've noticed that too. What brought me here was mainly assassin and shit but I guess that died down a while ago.

Go for it, that's what caught my attention too haha. I'm surprised anyone remembers Assassin.

i got tons of action shit ready for the fryer, thing is, it takes time. comedy is cheap...

hold yer dick son, im comin'

You have damn fine action works, but your stuff's mostly games which means you're NOT INCLUDED NIGGA.

I agree I want to see a nice gory action flick that makes you go that is fucking cool while you are still trying to hold in your lunch because of all the grusome sights that you just saw!

Same here. Hell, even a clean ass kicking can be good (See Avatar: TLAB)

accion movies are gey

u gey.

I guess most people think it's hard to animate action sequences. Just tween some people around and draw some mouths - comedy flash. Quick fame (or not).

Making action flashes is excruciating... But it's worth it....somehow >_>

you're not getting any action? put on some revealing clothing and head to the nearest bar my friend

Been there, done that. You ain't helpin'!

Echoing Mindchamber, a comedy flash is a heckuva lot easier than making an epic Bitey or Necropolis movie. Its less rewarding in some ways since those movies are under appreciated on this site (or the internet in general).

For example Biffthetimid's "Outlaw pt1" only has half the viewers of "How to Succeed on NG" with less awards.

People want to laugh...and cheap laughs are easy. Exciting people takes a bit more work.

True that, that's why I try to do both. I love comedy too, but I've been mixing so long that when I try to do one at a time I fall on my ass. Laughs are healthy, but I like "OH SHIT!!!!!"s too.

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