Queer black pulp trash cartoons & music. TV storyboard hooker for rent.

Kalen Whitfield @JazLyte

Age 34, Male

Storyboard Skank


Joined on 4/20/06

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1,542 / 1,600
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JazLyte's News

Posted by JazLyte - December 3rd, 2008

I have a deadline set for people who want to be in my new movie, Xenophobe: DECEMBER 14

That's the last day I'm accepting auditions. The 14th is my last day of college for the semester, and when I'll be getting things underway. Also, hopefully the tablet I won will be here so I can get started. Catch me while I'm still charging up! There's a distinct possibility I'm canceling my project Necropolis Loves Evolve Inc., simply because it's redundant next to Xenophobe's plot and you've seen a big chunk of it in Broken Glazz.


Roles, and suggested method (doesn't need to be that way, AGE IS MY #1 concern, not how ghetto or pro it sounds. Say your lines in a way that's natural to you):

Jazz, 21 year old male.(taken, by ME)

Kiara, 20 year old female(taken by Afrogirl)

Elixir, 23 year old male (taken by Animal-Delos)

Aaliya, 39 year old female (taken by my Mom w00t)

Kayle, 22 year old male OPEN, ACTOR NEEDED Strong, opinionated voice. Professional and intelligent.

Spiral, 14 year old female OPEN, ACTOR NEEDED Anything goes, as long as it's convincing.

Blues, 13 year old male OPEN, ACTOR NEEDED Anything goes, as long as it's convincing.

Romeo, 23 year old male OPEN, ACTOR NEEDED GHETTO AS HELL.

News Announcer, 30 year old male OPEN, ACTOR NEEDED Very professional and scripted. Your Bob Barker...

Various Backgound Characters such as random crackheads and Jamaicans OPEN, ACTOR NEEDED Anything goes, as long as it's convincing, roles vary.

If you're interested in getting in on the project, leave a comment here with links to your previous acting work (With specifically which character you played), your email, and if you use AIM or Skype, in which case coaching and contact would be much more easy. In which case, I'll PM you the practice lines for the character(s).



Posted by JazLyte - November 26th, 2008

Congrats to ma boy Anigen and some random German motherfucker named W-P-S, who hang around Rtil's forum too, they won Wacoms w00t. I appealed for one too, but I'm just fine with drawing with a mouse, chances are there's somebody who needs it more than I do.


I need voice actors for my new flick -Necropolis: Xenophobe-. The project's huge and probably my most ambitious yet. I've been working on the script for 3 months now and it's just now ready. It's related to DevilSlayer, but a prequel and I've ripped cliches out at the roots.

Jazz, 21 year old male.(taken, by ME)
Kiara, 20 year old female(taken by Afrogirl)
Elixir, 23 year old male (taken by Animal-Delos)
Aaliya, 39 year old female (taken by my Mom w00t)
Kayle, 22 year old male OPEN, ACTOR NEEDED Strong, opinionated voice. Professional and intelligent.
Spiral, 14 year old female OPEN, ACTOR NEEDED Anything goes, as long as it's convincing.
Blues, 13 year old male OPEN, ACTOR NEEDED Anything goes, as long as it's convincing.
Romeo, 23 year old male OPEN, ACTOR NEEDED GHETTO AS HELL.
News Announcer, 30 year old male OPEN, ACTOR NEEDED Very professional and scripted. Your Bob Barker...
Various Backgound Characters such as random crackheads and Jamaicans OPEN, ACTOR NEEDED Anything goes, as long as it's convincing, roles vary.

If you're interested in getting in on the project, leave a comment here with links to your previous acting work (With specifically which character you played), your email, and if you use AIM or Skype, in which case coaching and contact would be much more easy.


And since I hate not having something stimulating....

/* */
Current Projects

Necropolis Loves Evolve Inc. -
(Written, storyboarded, in animation process) 55% Complete
Animated action short about an American company that brings the wonder and whimsy of magic to Necropolis, Neo-Africa. GOAL: 5 minutes, December 2008 release.

NECROPOLIS: Xenophobe -
(Written, storyboarded but shots in need of revision) 25% Complete
Confidential... GOAL: 10-15 minutes, July 2009 release.

CARTOON OF THE WEEK -Dread Society X: Episode 1
Animation by Olokun360 of Youtube. The fight scene's worth the watch.

/* */

Posted by JazLyte - November 24th, 2008

Current Projects

Necropolis Loves EVO Inc. -
(Written, storyboarded, in animation process) 50% Complete
Animated action short about an American company that brings the wonder and whimsy of magic to Necropolis, Neo-Africa. GOAL: 5 minutes, December 2008 release.

NECROPOLIS: Xenophobe -
(Written, storyboarded but shots in need of revision) 25% Complete
Confidential... GOAL: 10 minutes, July 2009 release.

CARTOON OF THE WEEK -Blokhedz Animation - Official Trailer
Animation apparently based on a comic called Blokhedz... It looks like a MUCH, MUCH slicker version of something I would make haha. But it's inspired me (Animation-wise anyway, I don't know about all that using rap to fight)

/* */

Posted by JazLyte - November 20th, 2008


I drew a picture

Posted by JazLyte - November 19th, 2008

Racism, Atheism, Burger King. Okay I'm done ranting for now.

I see alot of people couldn't tell I was joking about my ADD causing my continuity problems lol. I DO have ADD, but I'm a mild perfectionist, as in nothing I make is perfect but I'm still anal about what I choose to go through with. That's the problem.

Anyway, I've been encouraged. I threw a random bunch of clips together that i thought were crap and not only did it get front page, but it's the most viewed/reviewed thing I've made all year. Tickle your asscrack Newgrounds, you've encouraged me to choose one of the clips from Broken Glazz and finish the whole project that I yanked it from.

Which one is it, you ask? It's the one where th

Newgrounds, You've Cured Me

Posted by JazLyte - November 14th, 2008

Waddup NG?

Put out a lil' something new in the portal. No huge project, just a little thing I threw together with clips from cartoons I've made that you've never seen. Enjoy!

If there's any particular animation style in the flash that you like, I'd love to hear. Peace.

Posted by JazLyte - November 12th, 2008

This is aimed at some people of my own ethnicity. What the hell do you call this?

/* */
Stop looking at fucking skin color and start paying attention, damn. Yes I voted for Obama too, but if you voted for him just because he's black, that makes you just as much of a racist as the trailer-trash motherfucker wearing this shirt. Quit being ignorant.

In other news, still flashimating, and still hoping to poop a finale to DevilSlayer into the portal by the end of this year. Then this horrible storyline will quit haunting my dreams dammit. I still want to use the characters and the world they're in, but not for a generic ass mix of Devil May Cry and X-Men. Don't be surprised if this is rushed.

You N***as Should Be Ashamed of Yourselves

Posted by JazLyte - October 28th, 2008

Hoya, no religiously and/or racially fueled rant today, actually I've come here to shamelessly whore out the fact that I've changed my style a bit to something more fluid and easy to animate and that I've started a new project using said style. This one I'll actually probably finish for once in well... EVER. (It's 25% done, past the point of being subject to my ADD)

I wasn't too thrilled with the way DevilSlayer 4 came out, and it lacked what I enjoyed about the first 2 because I was struggling very hard to actually give it a storyline and it didn't work, so since the whole backstory behind DevilSlayer has been revealed, I think I can move on to Nightgun in peace.

It probably won't be canon to the pilot thingy I uploaded this time last year because I hadn't really planned anything out, I just wanted to show off the fact that I could mimic anime. This movie, however, is canon to the storyline in Nightgun: Prelude and more stylized. Hope I've roused some excitement, but probably not.

Seeya in December with new flash.

Oh I forgot to explain why I say numbers suck. Because forever I've been giving my movies numbers like "Episode 1" and shit, but it just complicates things and makes me feel obligated and rushed to shit out the next number in line whether it's good or not so I'm treating all future flashes like they're their own movie instead of an incomplete puzzle piece. Peace.

Numbers Suck

Posted by JazLyte - October 21st, 2008

Fellow flash artists, I've moved to the dark side and have changed my style up a little (using the brush tool now). Working on that new flick still, just a bit different now than I thought it would be.

I've Gone to the Dark Side

Posted by JazLyte - October 9th, 2008

You know, for three years I've been sitting in front of my computer at least once a day and usually when I'm on, I'm either here on NG or on Rtil's forum. Every single one of those days I've been trying to hatch a big scheme to become Newgrounds' next phenominon, wondering how I can WOW people, and yet this has yet to come. Well, I'm sick of it. This whole time I've been whoring for praise and attention (And its SOOOO obvious) and all the while I'm artistically constipated and wondering why I'm always getting the urge to restart things. Always telling you guys about my "NEXT GREATEST CARTOON EVAA WOOT." just to watch the idea quit because of my popularity-thirsty rape.

Well, good news for some of you. I'm done coming up with numbered "Episodes" of DevilSlayer, whose story is cliched and soul-less beyond saving, and just gonna do flash for the fun of it. I'll probably still make movies with the characters, but no more trailers for myself disguised as a numbered series and shit. Not really sure what the next step is, but I just wanted to get that off my chest. I don't want an "image" anymore (not that I have one), its too much work and I have too much ADD. Peace.

What the hell have I been doing?