Queer black pulp trash cartoons & music. TV storyboard hooker for rent.

Kalen Whitfield @JazLyte

Age 34, Male

Storyboard Skank


Joined on 4/20/06

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What the fuck do you mean "your own people?"

you're slow

i think he means the african american comunity

btw i get what ya mean =/ im not american but i would of voted for obama not for his color but for his ideas

and thankyou for that

Can't say I'm suprised.
Not one bit.

My dad always likes to explain that the media is all over Obama because of his skin colour. I barely notice that he's black, I like him because he has the best character.

that's how it should be

Some people really are too judgemental on skin colour and nationality. Racial sensitivity is at an all time high too, people just take somethings too seriously, all over the world. Like here in the UK, there's so much hatred towards immigrants, but what these people forget is that Britain and its people are a mix of various immigrants, and it made it a stronger country for it too. People need to sort it out. A little off the point you made but still.

Oh and good luck with the flash and whatever your going to follow up with instead.

thanks, and i think i get you, but people being offensive just for the sake of being a dick is at an all time high too. everybody needs to stop.

Go ahead and ignore a question.

it's a dumb question, if the post is aimed at black people and i'm black, what do you think it means?

Dude, i was expecting that Obama wins, not because he´s black, he looks really different compared to the other presidents (not because of the Skin color), hes ideas are fresh and interesting,and i think that bush is a president who hurt a lot that country, voting for McCain is like voting for a Bush II.

lol I rememver a SNL skit where somebody said EXACTLY that

I live in Harlem. And this is not typical. Look, there's morons everywhere. Morons are probably equally distributed in every area of the world. No matter what happens there will be people that don't know what's going on. You can pull out the same trick in every city in the world about every issue in the world. That's the difference about smart people and dumb people. If you ask a smart person to comment on a subject matter they are not aware of, they'll tell you:" I don't know. I am not familiar with this problem, I'll have to do some research and maybe I'll be able to answer your question." If you ask a dumbass to comment on a subject matter they are not aware of, they'll always try to bullshit their way through, hoping that they'll hide their ignorance. It's always going to be like that.
Take it easy, man.

I know, and I hope you don't think this is aimed at Harlem. i grew up in Detroit, and got the same thing, and even now that i've been living in Lansing, MI for 3 years (Which is suburban as hell) i can name 12 people on my block who would answer these questions the exact same way. still a pain in the ass.

honestly howard stern is a very wise man and for the record that women on there is robin quivers and shes black so yeah now i dont agree with black ppl voting for obama cause hes black honestly i like both mcain and obamas ideas but only certain ones

I don't think it's any secret that there are dumbass voters out there. And I don't think a pre-recorded, edited vox pop changes anything. Keep in mind you've got to be pretty sceptical about the whole process - of the recordings made during that day they've chosen the stupidest people they could find, so whatever was left on the cutting room floor, I'm guessing, was people who were informed enough to call bullshit.

No, no, I don't think it's aimed at Harlem. And even if it was, I'm not American, nor black. I'm a white Bulgarian. So I don't care and cannot be offended. But I've lived here for three years, and all I'm trying to say is that this video does not represent what the majority of people in Harlem are.

Thanks for clearing out you're a douche. I bet "your people" as in black people appreciate your patronizing.

lol ok


Lol, using racism to plug an update on your cartoon. Its gettin fuckin old.

if you don't have enough faith in you own work, that you feel you have to add, n***a in your Blog topic then learn on how to be creatve when presenting your work.

Funny how you try to claim your breaking down walls with your flashes, yet all I see in your hand lately is a brick in one hand and cement spackle in the other.

I still think it's a big step backwards how we're still classing people into 'races' over skin colour. It's outdated thinking. Fair enough, there's a lot of discrimination in the world, but how are you going to get equality when you create divisions in the first place whilst getting sensitive over the diversity that exists? It's ridiculous that the African-American community is overprotected whilst discrimination towards people who can't defend themselves, like the elderly or disabled, is often socially acceptable or ignored.

That being said, I'd say it was Bush's legacy, McCain choosing Palin and the recent market crash that really put the vote in Obama's favour, yet there must have been a lot of fad voting going down.

Yeah, black people voting for Obama due to skin colour was probably a bigger problem than white people not voting for him for the exact same reason...

Not that voting for Obama is a problem, if McCain had won...........I dread to think what would have happened...

Barrack ftw!

well i dont know wtf is SNL, i dont live in USA and the only tv channel that i see is FOX XD

maybe was me who traveled in a couple of years and traveled to the past to said that, i dont know

time paradox

oh ok lol, SNL is a sketch comedy show and they did a funny skit about this whole thing.

http://www.funnyordie.com/jokes/4 c2ccba2c1

maybe that'll help

heeey way to go on confirming that black is different from white people you racist retard-_-

The ignorance of humanity never ceases to amaze me. We are not a particularly bright species, are we?

Obama is a beacon of hope in a desolate wasteland of lies, jingoism, and hatred. He has ideas that will improve the country in any number of ways, and some people are still hung up on the colour of his skin. I regard skin colour in the same manner I regard hair colour; it is a cosmetic thing, nothing more.

By the way, love your art style.

Exactly. I've heard many of my professors say the exact same thing, race doesn't even exist biologically. Glad you see that though, here's to hoping he doesn't fuck up lol. I think he'll do alright.

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