Man you are fucking idiots and racists. Like Obama won just because all black people in Harlem voted for him. America's most population is WHITE! So STFU. And the guy who was wearing that t-shirt should be put in jail for six months (atleast).
BTW awesome pic
Go Obama! Fuck racists!
People are idoits that all there is to it! I want obama for for president not because he is balck but for to reasons. I do not agree with most McCain's policies and Palin is an idiot!!! Has anyone listened to that woman SPEAK!!! I was watching the debate between Biden and Palin, Biden answered the questions as they were asked and Palin was sorta avoiding the question and talking BS!! And Everything Biden Said I agreed WIth. People say we are getting better... but although technolgy is far beyond what anyone imagined but were not... Many kids read because they have to and don't read at an approrate level. Same with math and science! As technology advances we become dependent on it thus producing vain, carefree, and stupid people!!! Think people!!!! Think for yourselves!!!!! The man mentioned in the video, who supperted McCain when they told him that obamas idea were McCains and vice verse, is moving in the right direction but needs to be more educated in oder to keep himself from being clasifed as one of the said "MORONS".