Congrats to ma boy Anigen and some random German motherfucker named W-P-S, who hang around Rtil's forum too, they won Wacoms w00t. I appealed for one too, but I'm just fine with drawing with a mouse, chances are there's somebody who needs it more than I do.
I need voice actors for my new flick -Necropolis: Xenophobe-. The project's huge and probably my most ambitious yet. I've been working on the script for 3 months now and it's just now ready. It's related to DevilSlayer, but a prequel and I've ripped cliches out at the roots.
Jazz, 21 year old male.(taken, by ME)
Kiara, 20 year old female(taken by Afrogirl)
Elixir, 23 year old male (taken by Animal-Delos)
Aaliya, 39 year old female (taken by my Mom w00t)
Kayle, 22 year old male OPEN, ACTOR NEEDED Strong, opinionated voice. Professional and intelligent.
Spiral, 14 year old female OPEN, ACTOR NEEDED Anything goes, as long as it's convincing.
Blues, 13 year old male OPEN, ACTOR NEEDED Anything goes, as long as it's convincing.
Romeo, 23 year old male OPEN, ACTOR NEEDED GHETTO AS HELL.
News Announcer, 30 year old male OPEN, ACTOR NEEDED Very professional and scripted. Your Bob Barker...
Various Backgound Characters such as random crackheads and Jamaicans OPEN, ACTOR NEEDED Anything goes, as long as it's convincing, roles vary.
If you're interested in getting in on the project, leave a comment here with links to your previous acting work (With specifically which character you played), your email, and if you use AIM or Skype, in which case coaching and contact would be much more easy.
And since I hate not having something stimulating....
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Current Projects
Necropolis Loves Evolve Inc. -
(Written, storyboarded, in animation process) 55% Complete
Animated action short about an American company that brings the wonder and whimsy of magic to Necropolis, Neo-Africa. GOAL: 5 minutes, December 2008 release.
NECROPOLIS: Xenophobe -
(Written, storyboarded but shots in need of revision) 25% Complete
Confidential... GOAL: 10-15 minutes, July 2009 release.
CARTOON OF THE WEEK -Dread Society X: Episode 1
Animation by Olokun360 of Youtube. The fight scene's worth the watch.
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I actually JUST won a contest not long ago to which the prize was a role in a show coming up, so hopefully that proves I have the credentials but I can show you more over AIM or Skype no problem. Also by Christmas I'll have a REALLY good quality mic, so hopefully that wouldn't be too long of a wait if you're up for the inclusion.
Sure, man. I'm working on "Necropolis Loves Evolve Inc." at the moment, so there's plenty of time.