Queer black pulp trash cartoons & music. TV storyboard hooker for rent.

Kalen Whitfield @JazLyte

Age 34, Male

Storyboard Skank


Joined on 4/20/06

Exp Points:
1,542 / 1,600
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5.44 votes
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B/P Bonus:
9y 10m 11d

JazLyte's News

Posted by JazLyte - April 1st, 2009

Mmm. This is delicious, amazing. China theme. I doooooooooooon't get it.

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck this. Kenya, nyukkah. That's where it's at.

Also, apparently you can't say D-OOOOOOON'T, it'll filter it and delete it. FUUUUUCK will also be changed to revolutionize.

Wow Newgrounds, foreal?

Posted by JazLyte - March 21st, 2009

Wuddup Newgrounds? This is of course related to my upcoming movie whose name has been changed from Necropolis: Xenophobe to Nightshade Lords due to a shift in plot. I need a voice actor to play a character named Spiral. It's really only for two lines for an extra scene, but I plan to have her appear in future works too.

Character Info:
Name: Spiral
Ethnicity: African/Caucasian mixed, so no preference as far as ethnicity of the actor.
Age: Late teens
Other Info: Spiral is kind of a ditsy, lighthearted character, but not really goofy. I don't really have a strict preference for the character other than that she fit the age range and not be too serious.

Audition Lines:
--Looks like the procedure was a success. My name's Spiral, I'm a surgeon here. I don't mean to be in your room like this while your wife and brother are sleeping, but we rarely get anybody who has the money to pay for a full-fledged revival surgery. I had to know how things would turn out.
-Oh, no your friend brought the coffee, and already paid for your bills. You know, black girl, wild ponytail, British accent, scar on her right eye?

If you want to try out for the part, of course post here and let me know, then send the audition lines to my Gmail. Yungjazz@gmail.com

Need a Female Voice Actor for new movie

Posted by JazLyte - February 17th, 2009

Wuddup NG? Still hard at work on this next project, though I'm at a little bit of a crossroad about what I'm going to do with the animation. It's only at 2 minutes right now, which is just basically scratching the surface considering the first animatic is 8 minutes long, then I added two more scenes that'll probably round it out at about 11 minutes.

I've heard various rumors about the limits of Flash, which is what I'm worried about. I've heard that there's a frame limit, yet still there's these half-hour long flashes like the Metal Gear Collab that run at high frame rates and shit. I'm assuming I won't find out until I'm actually done what way I'm going to go about releasing this. I'd rather not have to have Necropolis Xenophobe part a & b, so I considered breaking it up into 4-minutes parts and making each one an episode and starting a new series from scratch.

What got me worried was what happened whit Broken Glazz before I released it. I had a lot more animations I wanted to squeeze in, but not only did Flash die every time I added things after a certain point, it became impossible to export, so I had to cut back and stretch some scenes out. I'm not sure if it's due to the fact that I'm animating on the main timeline or what, but I've tried going as far as I can with previous animations just to test the limits and Flash would give me bullshit every time. Everybody says the problem can be solved by animating everything in one huge Movie Clip symbol, I might just give it a try.

... I'd REALLY rather not have to make "Episodes" with numbers on them. Anyway, I'm going to continue animating regardless, just trying to anticipate technical issues now so I don't have to worry about them later. If anybody knows anything about the limits of what you can do with one SWF at 24fps, don't be afraid to speak up. Peace.

The Limits of Flash?+Whorish Progress Update

Posted by JazLyte - January 28th, 2009

Posted by JazLyte - January 20th, 2009

Wuddup Newgrounds? Just checking in for really no other reason than utter randomness. Ummm... Some shit happened and I'm taking this semester of school off to get a full-time job for a few months, and I cancelled one project I was planning (Devil-Slayer the Game) in favor of taking it easy and focussing on job-searching while tackling -Necropolis Xenophobe- at night. This project has caught me off guard and pinched my ass at just about every turn.

The script for this movie was originally 3 pages long, and meant to be 10-15 minutes long. I decided not to overstress myself, and opted to make a 5-minute flash instead, chopping the script to one page. I just got done finishing the real-time animatic with finished audio, and that one page script rounded out to 10 minutes, meaning the original project would've been just about impossible for one flash and I am not about to make any more "episodes", fuck that. (Lawdy) You get a cookie if you followed that paragraph.

Necropolis: Xenophobe is about a subtle brand of religious persecution that takes place in Anarchistic Neo-Africa, and yes it involves Jazz and the posse from the Devil-Slayer series. But there is no pointless devil-hunting or random fruit-salad style storytelling like in my previous work. This takes place before they became generic, pointless super-human demon fighters, since the "back-story" is much more interesting. (Ugh...If I had a time machine, I'd travel back to 06 and kick myself in the teeth) I hope the project won't take too long, I'm going for simplicity and substance instead of my usual fare. I'll keep in touch.

Xenophobe Update, Taking Semester of School Off

Posted by JazLyte - January 2nd, 2009

Well, I started my new movie last week, then completely lost motivation. An old homie came to stay with us, New Years Shyat (involving a few fights and a few cars in ditches), and alcohol have stolen my attention. Quick, somebody show me something sweet to get me going again.

A good animated movie, a random song that's a banger, ANYTHINGGGGGG!!!!

Getting Lazy, HELP!

Posted by JazLyte - December 25th, 2008

Wuddup Newgrounds? The other day, me and my boy Marquil thought of a funny idea. We were talking about how all this overrated shit gets put onto the forefront of Deviantart just because it's fanart. (Sound familiar? I didn't think so, Newgrounds has neeeeever had that problem!) Anyways, we set up a fake account and make nothing but fan art on it and see how long it takes before it gets popular. Our artwork is just halfway-decent enough to work, because shitty is all it needs to qualify. If anybody has any ideas for what types of pictures we should make for this account that you think is fanservice enough to get people's attention, we're listening. We'll truly see how real the familiarity theory is for all those curious.

What else... I've started animating my new project, Necropolis Xenophobe. I split the project up into three parts and I think that'll ease the stress on everybody (me and the actors), and I'll probably be able to get something to you guys faster. So if you're one of my actors, don't worry about the lines for a week or two. Peace.

Deviantart Experiment & Necropolis Xenophobe

Posted by JazLyte - December 16th, 2008

What's good, Newgrounds? Just checking in to let you know that I chose the roles for my new movie in the Necropolis series whose name I think I'm going to be changing because with a recent tweak I made to the script, the name Xenophobe doesn't apply anymore.

Kiara - Afrogirl
Blues - RetributionVox
Kayle - Tomamoto
Romeo - Kappaho
Elixir - Animal-Delos
Aaliya - My Mom
Spiral - Role Omitted

Thanks to everybody who tried out, many of you did a great job and if you didn't get chosen, it doesn't necessarily mean your acting was bad, the voice also had to fit the character.

Aaaaand, school's out, and the movie should have been started 2 days ago if my fucking computer didn't decide to get digital herpes and have to go to the shop. UGH.... In the meantime, I've gotten my tablet and am thoroughly enjoying it (In Photoshop anyway, I'm sticking to the mouse for this movie... More precision when animating.

Also, my homeboy Glenn who's been a big inspiration to me the whole time I've been animating has submitted the third episode of his series Psion Law, GO LOOK DAMMIT. I'm playing Kamau in it, that's reason enough. Peace.


Posted by JazLyte - December 10th, 2008

Thanks everybody for trying out and doing so well, I know I said I would announce the chosen ones on the 14th, but I found somebody for each that basically stole the parts (As in they were JUST RIGHT).

It was a hard competition between three people for Kayle, but I ultimately choose Tomamoto. Now before the people who tried out get mad, please understand that it's not his resume or popularity that pinned it for him (the other 4 actors I chose had no previous experience with VA whatsoever, and fit perfectly). Most auditioners did a great job, but didn't have the voice that fit with the picture in my mind. Please don't be discouraged if you didn't get the part, each Necropolis movie I'm going to expand on the character roster so there will be plenty of openings, and I'll be back looking.

3 more days til production on the movie starts. Where the hell is my tablet? lol

PS: If you tried out for the News Announcer or other background characters, I cut the scenes involving those from the script to smooth out the project. Thanks for auditioning though!

Posted by JazLyte - December 6th, 2008

The first picks have been made, I got a lot of people trying out to play Blues but RetributionVox had the most energy and the clearest mic. Thanks to everybody who tried out, but especially Slicing-Claws who tried out for Blues, he did a good read, but his file output is a little lo-quality. However, he's a really talented musician and will still have his hands in the movie music-wise, which is just as important.

Romeo's actor has also been chosen: independent rapper Kid Heru, aka Kappaho here on NG. (Say the NG username out loud, please lol), and also coincidentally will be contributing music to the movie. Thanks for the tryouts to everybody who tried, but my main complaint is that I got a lot of people trying to swing a ghetto voice when it wasn't natural to them. And like I mentioned earlier, closeness to the character's age and acting ability were the most important, not sounding "ghetto", SAY THE LINES IN A WAY THAT'S NATURAL TO YOU, those were suggested descriptions.

Also, I just got done sending an email to everybody who auditioned, so if you sent me lines and didn't get a reply, let me know so we can find out what happened, capiche'? Still looking for that Kayle and that Spiral. Where are the girls at?




Roles, and suggested method (doesn't need to be that way, AGE IS MY #1 concern, not how ghetto or pro it sounds. Say your lines in a way that's natural to you):

Jazz, 21 year old male.(taken, by ME)

Kiara, 20 year old female(taken by Afrogirl)

Elixir, 23 year old male (taken by Animal-Delos)

Aaliya, 39 year old female (taken by my Mom w00t)

Kayle, 22 year old male OPEN, ACTOR NEEDED Strong, opinionated voice. Professional and intelligent.

Spiral, 14 year old female OPEN, ACTOR NEEDED Anything goes, as long as it's convincing.

Blues, 13 year old male (taken by RetributionVox)

Romeo, 23 year old male (taken by Kid Heru, aka Kappaho)

News Announcer, 30 year old male OPEN, ACTOR NEEDED Very professional and scripted. Your Bob Barker...

Various Backgound Characters such as random crackheads and Jamaicans OPEN, ACTOR NEEDED Anything goes, as long as it's convincing, roles vary.


If you're interested in getting in on the project, leave a comment here with links to your previous acting work (With specifically which character you played), your email, and if you use AIM or Skype, in which case coaching and contact would be much more easy. In which case, I'll PM you the practice lines for the character(s).



Sent Email, and Blues/Romeo actors chosen