Queer black pulp trash cartoons & music. TV storyboard hooker for rent.

Kalen Whitfield @JazLyte

Age 34, Male

Storyboard Skank


Joined on 4/20/06

Exp Points:
1,542 / 1,600
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Vote Power:
5.44 votes
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B/P Bonus:
9y 10m 11d

JazLyte's News

Posted by JazLyte - July 24th, 2009

Hey Newgrounds. You'll be seeing a flash from me soon, next weekend at the latest. I'm down to the last scene of my toon Xenophobe, it'll be 7 minutes of crazy futuristic African bullshit with no apparent cause. The story as a whole is a 2-fer, so this is the first tale I'll be giving you this year. The first scene is here in the portal already so you know what's in store for you.

Hope you're frothing at the fucking mouth with excitement,

Love, Jazz

Also, look at what I just came across. Hahaha, who's the fucking artistic genius who made this shit XD

Xenophobe Nearing Completion

Posted by JazLyte - July 17th, 2009

The Cure for Animator Laziness!

Amateur animators, ever find yourself in that position where you've started an ambitious project but you've become bored with it? This is more the rule than the exception for me, I know that much. I love the idea of making another movie as long as my first submissions, but these days it hasn't been as easy because I'm a little impatient.

Me and my buddy Matt came up with a cure, and it's simple. Animate with other people. He wrote an article in his blog explaining it and it's advantages. Matt is the same as me wherein we start a bunch of shit and never finish it, many times it's probably because we're probably off somewhere getting fucked up at the same party. WELL, READ IT. TRY IT.This may only work if you have a laptop though :P

Make sure if you compliment the article to leave it on his page, or in the forum thread he made for it.

Xenophobe 2nd Audition

I need more voices for my new project, Xenophobe, which is close to completion and even though it's only half of the project I originally came up with (which was too big for me at 15 minutes, the rest will come later and ALL the pre-production is done, it will not be ditched). I'm adding a scene because the first story needs closure, I refuse to slap a "Part 1" or "Episode 1" on this submission when it's done. So humor me and audition for these 2 parts!

I really won't go into detail about the parts, because either you have the voice of the character or you don't and if your acting is good, that won't really help too much if you don't fit the part all. You don't have to be the exact race of the character, since I know I'm asking for two very rare things on Newgrounds, a black female and an adult black male in his 40's.

- Spiral (Spy-ral): Young black female, age 19. I don't want any really squeaky, high-pitched giddy voices (Sorry, I know you're out there though). That's really all I ask. The age is most important.

(ROLE CHOSEN, SORRY GUYS)- Percy: Middle-aged black man, age 40. I kind of picture him having an African or Jamaican accent, BUT YOU DON'T HAVE TO ALL, ESPECIALLY IF YOU AREN'T GOOD AT IT. I'm taking what I can get with this one lol.

You know the drill, drop me a PM telling me you want to try out, with a sample of where your voice was used, and your email address. I email you the script with your parts highlighted, and you go for it. I LISTEN TO EVERYBODY, give it a shot.

2nd Voice Audition & The Cure

Posted by JazLyte - July 10th, 2009

Founds meh employment, I'm officially a...telemarketer.... until school starts this semester. Look, 40 hours a week 9 bucks an hour for a 19 year old with no experience in the state with the shittiest economy in the US, yup, I'm grateful.

ANYWAY, that embarrassing news aside, I am back to animating, in the weeks since I submitted Shut Up and Evolve (A cavalcade of randomness that is supposed to be a preview of Xenophobe). I've made significant progress, and come across a snag.

After 6 months of planning and 2 months of finalized animating, Flash has stopped obeying me. This movie is supposed to be 14 minutes long, I get all the rough animations done and 1/3 of the finals, and flash quits obeying me, just won't export or anything. So I'm chopping the project up into 2 parts, and you'll probably get to see something from me sooner than I intended initially (the first 7 minutes of the cartoon) since the movie was 2 stories anyways.


Back on the grind.

Posted by JazLyte - July 2nd, 2009

I'm not front-page posting this because it's not important, it's just something for people to look at passing my page. I'm 1/4 done with Project Xenophobe (That's 4 minutes of the 15 minutes of the rough animations finalized.) Coming up on the fight scene w00t.

Quarter Ways Troo

Posted by JazLyte - June 24th, 2009

Hey lookie, people are saying my shit looks like the Boondocks again. Let's see how many Newgrounders it takes to completely look past a dude's drawing style, character designs and overall storyline to the skin color of his characters and come to that conclusion.

As usual, I'll be ignoring all reviews that say the word "Boondocks" in it, with 100% accuracy, go ahead try it and find out for sure. Usually, I like communicating with my viewers.

The Boondocks

Posted by JazLyte - June 23rd, 2009

I have made it to two finished scenes on Xenophobe after all this time aaaand...I don't like it that much. So my summer promise may not come true. I'll upload what I have done. BUT PEOPLE WHO CONTRIBUTED DONT WORRY, I'M JUST RESTARTING THE ANIMATION, NOT THE STORY, PROJECT OR VOICE ACTING!

I need to ease up though, job hunting is hindering me artistically, I've neglected a promise to make my buddy DJ Delinquent art for his game and haven't drawn much at all lately. So Xenophobe will have to hold til later this year, I'm afraid I don't have time for a 20 minute movie at the moment.

Sexless and jobless yet still, I disappear into the real world from DA & NG yet again. Here's a scene from the flick if you want proof I haven't been just sitting around.

Also...I lost my tablet pen, Photoshop art go bye bye until I find a new job T_T

Xenophobe not looking so hot

Posted by JazLyte - June 15th, 2009

Blah blah blah Necropolis: Xenophobe plug plug whore whore.

You may be getting it later than sooner. Some shit went down and now I'm unemployed again, so I think I'll go rob a liquor store or some shit using a dagger, a shottie and old school wrestling moves I've seen on TV.

Or maybe I'll just get into a mad rush to get another job by the end of next week. One of those two. Either way, I'm putting major animating on hold for a sec.

Shit just hit the fan

Posted by JazLyte - June 4th, 2009

Hello Newgrounds. This is normally the point when I'm halfway done with a movie and I get started bragging about how it's coming along and start making a bunch of promises and such in excruciating detail. Well, I'm not doing it today, so eat a dick.

The movie will be 5 minutes. The movie will have 8 idiots fighting over an...odd... moral issue, 2 DevilSlayer characters taking a shit and 1 city... and nobody wins in this city.

LOLOLOL XDXDX Metropolis Circuit reference Kawai desu-chan!!!

Enjoy this SCREENSHIT. You see what I did there?

Generic Necropolis: XENOPHOBE update.

Posted by JazLyte - April 29th, 2009

I got a job there, and it's kicking my ass. Alas, I'm glad to have a job, because if sure somewhere around 80% of people in MI between 16-19 don't have one, and my parents have graciously told me they refuse to help me pay for college LMAO XDXDX LOLOLOL ^_^ Kawai Sugoi-chan

Anyway, I'm over the halfway done mark with the rough animations for Necropolis: Xenophobe. It doesn't sound like much, but the movie is literally 15 minutes (The real-time storyboard has been done with all the music and VA included, so yup my work's cut out for me), and it's coming out just how I wanted. There's two fights, two people taking a shit, and one prissy hoe dragged down the street by her hair.

This movie gave me some real time to think about my writing, I wanted it to be a prequel to DevilSlayer, but it's going off in it's own direction so I guess my cartoons really are schizophrenic, go figure. Ehh yall don't care about continuity do you?

You better not, because if I get a "Hey this isn't DevilSlayer!" review, I'll be at your house, putting out a hot cigar in your chest.


Posted by JazLyte - April 9th, 2009

I'm just putting this here to cover up my reaction to the April Fools day thing, so anybody who wasn't here won't be confused as hell.

A Distraction.