Queer black pulp trash cartoons & music. TV storyboard hooker for rent.

Kalen Whitfield @JazLyte

Age 34, Male

Storyboard Skank


Joined on 4/20/06

Exp Points:
1,542 / 1,600
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Vote Power:
5.44 votes
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B/P Bonus:
9y 10m 10d

JazLyte's News

Posted by JazLyte - October 5th, 2008

If anybody still even cares about NightGun after I my last front page post lol, I've started animating again. As it looks now, it'll be an expanded version of NightGun: The Prelude with all new animation and a closer look into the actual events that lead up to Devil-Slayer and Nightgun: Episode 1. No, I'm not making a DevilSlayer 5, I'm moving on, because DevilSlayer's story is beyond saving. Look forward to something new from me this winter. Peace.

Working On Something New

Posted by JazLyte - August 22nd, 2008

I was looking at a friend of mine's home-made cartoons on Youtube when I just happened to come across some really great student animations you may enjoy. As far as I know, they're made in ToonBoom and they look fantastic.

I'll start off with my favorite... I love the style so much

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This is another great one...

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And finally... So savage

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Oh and I guess it wouldn't be one of my posts without saying something about how confused I am at the moment about what I should do with my cartoon. I've started animating the next Nightgun movie finally, after my whole kick about finishing DevilSlayer. I think its best that I just don't look back, DevilSlayer had no piece of my soul in it except for maybe the spontaneous humor and even still there was no leeway for me to do anything really interesting with it. It was about as generic as Ben 10.

Now for the part you've been waiting for, what is YungJazz indecisive about todaaaay?? Dum... dum dum dum! I've written the script for the whole series how will I deliver the series? I can't decide whether I'll develop each movie one at a time like Xombie, Story of Khale and Brackenwood or do them all at once like Minushi and XIN. Wait... I think I just answered my own question, never mind... (I love you lifepoint1 don't take it personal)

Great Student Animations & NightGun Update

Posted by JazLyte - August 3rd, 2008

Some Questions

Now for some questions about your flash experience on Newgrounds. You don't have to answer them, but I'm interested to know what you think about any of them.

The Questions
- Do you prefer long flashes (6-10 minutes) or short flashes (2-5 minutes)?
- Do you enjoy cliffhanger flashes (Multiple flashes telling a single story), or stand-alone flashes (One that tells the whole story)
- Feelings on mixed-genre flashes like Devil-Slayer, which have Action, Comedy, and Drama elements?

Q: Why are you asking these questions? Why don't you quit asking what people think and do you?

A: I was just curious if people felt the same way I did about other people's flashes, NOT TO FIND OUT WHAT PEOPLE THINK SO THAT I CAN DO WHAT THEY SAY, I'm not stupid, I know more than anybody that you can't please everyone. I decided a long time ago that I want to start making long flashes, I'm incapable of making anything completely serious, and that I'm doing stand-alone stories because those are the types of flashes I enjoy.

Flash Projectz Update

Wuddup Newgrounds? For those of you who saw my previous post about my resarting problem and gave me advice, good lookin' out. I appreciate it, and it greatly helped me on my decision to finish the Devil-Slayer series, the first one I began but got scared because I was a n00b when I started it. Yes it has its cliche's and bad plot elements, but so does Avatar and God knows that cartoon's still sick. So maybe I can make something good out of it, I'm aiming high for DevilSlayer V: Endgame, which you'll hopefully see before the end of this year. But for now, I've released DEVIL-SLAYER [EP.IV] HERE. Enjoy, it's a story builder more than random gore like the others, but I promise Endgame will have plenty of combat.

Questions & a New Movie

Posted by JazLyte - July 16th, 2008

I've made up my mind folks. A close homie, Matt along with a lot of people gave me some good advice, along with being rejected for MTV Engine Room (the upcoming reality show for digital artists) has shown me undeniable proof that my restarting problem was rooted in an obsession with internet popularity and score numbers. Well, now I know that nobody is going to love my work before I do, and for that, I'm done restarting, and done jumping through hoops foreal this time. I do have a small fanbase that enjoys my work, and I should be happy enough with that.

Therefore, I'm not gonna confuse them anymore. I'm continuing the original DevilSlayer. I'm still trying to decide what to do with the Nightgun title, maybe It'll be a sequel, but for now, look forward to seeing a DevilSlayer IV in the near future. No drills, no jokes, this is a PROMISE. I've started it in my new, more animated style and it's going too well for me to ditch it. At a minute already that's got a lot of fBf animation and some dialogue complete, and I'm happy with the progress. Peace.

Revisiting DevilSlayer?

Posted by JazLyte - July 13th, 2008

Is there something wrong with me? I have this urge to restart things all the time, and it makes my continuity practically shiver in a corner. When I first came to this site as Samuraijazz, all I wanted was to create NG's next great action series. But somehow I keep on tripping over my own feet, I see some massive thing I did wrong and always want to scrap the project and start all over, and you guys (Or what few fans I have) know I'll do it at the drop of hat. Restarting is easier for me than continuing.

First came Devil Hunter, based on a story I wrote of the same name. But I was so excited to have flash, all I wanted to do was animate fights, so I threw the story itself out the window in favor of the demon hunting aspect. But upon reading the story over, I realized I wanted all the humorous dialogue of the short novel and the mysterious history behind it, so I re-did it as DevilSlayer, following the short novel faithfully. Then I learned a TON about Flash in one season and realized that the DevilSlayer 4 I made looked terribly different than it's 3 predecessors, so I debated with myself for months what to call it and came up with NightGun.

Now, with the Nightgun pilot out, I realized that I had planned things terribly and couldn't write it off as "episode 1" to anything because it was MEANT to be a FOURTH SEQUEL TO DEVILSLAYER. The story is unclear, and not incredibly engaging or original. So I'm in the process of animating an all new first episode to the series. ehh.....

I want for Jazz and the crew to be my series that rocks Newgrounds, but it hasn't even jiggled it yet. I have something in the works I believe could, but it's far off and you guys may not see it until 2009. Am I the only one going through this here?

There's so many changes I want to make, but there's a dozen or so flashes I've released involving these characters already, and though they aren't extremely popular, will you guys think I'm insane if I start things over one last time?

Posted by JazLyte - June 27th, 2008

Sup Newgrounds? I threw a little something into the portal today that would give a little background info for my Nightgun series. It contains more simplified character designs to make animating eaiser and slicker, even though I feel that this cartoon didn't do the best job illustrating my vision. It's okay though, it's not what's important. What is important is Nightgun 2 which you guys will hopefully be seeing soon. I've restarted it, because I don't think what I had done was really all that impressive. Peace.

Still Alive! New Submission

Posted by JazLyte - May 23rd, 2008

Wassup, yall? I know I haven't uploaded a flash in God knows when, but SUMMER'S BACK, WHICH MEANS NEW MOVIES w00t! I'm hoping to "complete" Nightgun so I can move onto making stand-alone movies. No more series for me, I guess that means I'm not cut out for TV, but big-screen film, HEGGZ YEAH.

Anyway, to hold you over for awhile, here's some Computer Media 101 "film" (if you can call it that) projects by me, they're short, but most people I showed at school found them funny so maybe you will too.

As a warning, they (moreso for the second one than the first) may be offensive to fat people, black people, Cubans, anime fans, homosexuals, hentai lovers, Asians, DBZ fans, Yu-Gi-Oh Players, Pokemon trainers (who play the games), Inuyasha fams and many more categories you don't care about. I fall into two of them (Black Anime fan, but I went completely crazy in the second one. Enjoy!)

-Who is Piccolo Really?

A mock interview by me and my boy Joel (the Indian guy) involving DBZ's Piccolo and his reluctant actor, Guyrhonte' Jackson (Think of it like cartoons have actors, just roll with it).

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-B.L.A.A.A.C. Public Service Announcement

Extremely gay yaoi hentai anime enthusiast Guyrhonte' Jackson (Heh I use that alias in all my videos) goes on a quest to seek out the anime knowledge of his fellow high school students. This one was completely freestyled with no script, we just went up to random people and told them we were going to ask them a question and film it, but without telling them the question or that I was going to puff out my stomach so I'd look fat and talk like a gaybob. Yes, I am the tall one with the blue shirt.<div class="blogmedia">

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Posted by JazLyte - May 20th, 2008

I know that probably nobody is going to see this journal because it's not a livenote for the front page, and this really isn't a big deal at all. All the same, in case a random passerby checks out my page, you'll notice that all the names of DevilSlayer cartoons have been changed to Nightgun.

Why have I done this? Because, I've been building a story all along that really fits together well if you look past the cartoon titles and preloader funfacts. People don't care about what there is to read during the preloader anyways, so why sweat it?

Yes, what has been animated has the potential to turn into another sucky, fake anime flash series, but since all I've done is really build up suspense and confusion, I'll just write off DevilSlayer 1-3 as parts of a prequel episode to Nightgun, which they were already. Only now, it's more obvious and less confusing.

I've been so busy with finals at school, I haven't done too much animation lately, but summer vacation comes for me next week and I'll be able to orgasm your eyes once again (Aight, well not really...) but I hope what I've learned will help my movies be much better than before.


The pic is one I drew of Kiara, just because I hate making news without a pic.

Some Changes You May Notice...

Posted by JazLyte - May 9th, 2008

I know I went on this rant recently, saying that my original animating style was crap and that it wasn't working and all this stuff, and that I was giving up my anime-inspired style for something else, but I realized that I'm sick of trying to jump through hoops. This is probably why I get artist/animator's block and want to start over all the time.

Well, I'm done. People can say what they want to about my style, I'm not changing it for people who really don't like my work and are just telling me what they like from other people. I have a few fans that enjoy my animating style, and really, it's not the style that matters it's what you do with it.
So I'm keeping the afro-anime style that moves at 24 frames-per-second with double-frames. People can tell me I'm copying the Boondocks with DevilSlayer & Nightgun if they want, since clearly the Boondocks is about four older teens slaying demons and fighting for religious freedom in a futuristic African civilization. Oh yeah that's right, it's black people in anime form and has some comedy elements, so that eliminates all differences. Oh well, eat a dick.

My previous work had it's problems, it was pretty stiff and one-dimensional. But I think I can take it to new levels now that I've started paying attention to outstanding works in other forms. I can still make lots of fluid, well drawn animation without letting go of detail, just look at Afro Samurai and Hayao Miyazaki's works. There's examples right here on Newgrounds, like Toniko-X and Zombie Pimp . There's really sweet, well animated anime as well as incredibly shitty anime, just like there's good and shitty western works. My style isn't going to make me a better animator, that's just making excuses, it'll be how much work I put into it.

Did I leave anything else out? Thanks to my homie SpikeVallentine for showing me that art isn't all about showing off and going through hoops to please people, it's about freedom and expression. He gave me some very good advice awhile back, and I won't let God down with my new projects or him. Expect more Afro-Anime in the future from me, only with more fluid, slick animation and better stories than ever before. Yea...I like that word... Afro Anime.

Also, before I go onto Nightgun, I'm making one last DevilSlayer cartoon that will stitch up all those terrible, cliched plot gaps from the first 3 cartoons so that I can move onto another better project in peace. Peace.


Posted by JazLyte - May 9th, 2008

I know I went on this rant recently, saying that my original animating style was crap and that it wasn't working and all this stuff, and that I was giving up my anime-inspired style for something else, but I realized that I'm sick of trying to jump through hoops. This is probably why I get artist/animator's block and want to start over all the time.

Well, I'm done. People can say what they want to about my style, I'm not changing it for people who really don't like my work and are just telling me what they like from other people. I have a few fans that enjoy my animating style, and really, it's not the style that matters it's what you do with it.
So I'm keeping the afro-anime style that moves at 24 frames-per-second with double-frames. People can tell me I'm copying the Boondocks with DevilSlayer & Nightgun if they want, since clearly the Boondocks is about four older teens slaying demons and fighting for religious freedom in a futuristic African civilization. Oh yeah that's right, it's black people in anime form and has some comedy elements, so that eliminates all differences. Oh well, eat a dick.

My previous work had it's problems, it was pretty stiff and one-dimensional. But I think I can take it to new levels now that I've started paying attention to outstanding works in other forms. I can still make lots of fluid, well drawn animation without letting go of detail, just look at Afro Samurai and Hayao Miyazaki's works. There's examples right here on Newgrounds, like Toniko-X and Zombie Pimp . There's really sweet, well animated anime as well as incredibly shitty anime, just like there's good and shitty western works. My style isn't going to make me a better animator, that's just making excuses, it'll be how much work I put into it.

Did I leave anything else out? Thanks to my homie SpikeVallentine for showing me that art isn't all about showing off and going through hoops to please people, it's about freedom and expression. He gave me some very good advice awhile back, and I won't let God down with my new projects or him. Expect more Afro-Anime in the future from me, only with more fluid, slick animation and better stories than ever before. Yea...I like that word... Afro Anime.

Also, before I go onto Nightgun, I'm making one last DevilSlayer cartoon that will stitch up all those terrible, cliched plot gaps from the first 3 cartoons so that I can move onto another project in peace. Peace.