Queer black pulp trash cartoons & music. TV storyboard hooker for rent.

Kalen Whitfield @JazLyte

Age 34, Male

Storyboard Skank


Joined on 4/20/06

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Attempts at "Film" by Me

Posted by JazLyte - May 23rd, 2008

Wassup, yall? I know I haven't uploaded a flash in God knows when, but SUMMER'S BACK, WHICH MEANS NEW MOVIES w00t! I'm hoping to "complete" Nightgun so I can move onto making stand-alone movies. No more series for me, I guess that means I'm not cut out for TV, but big-screen film, HEGGZ YEAH.

Anyway, to hold you over for awhile, here's some Computer Media 101 "film" (if you can call it that) projects by me, they're short, but most people I showed at school found them funny so maybe you will too.

As a warning, they (moreso for the second one than the first) may be offensive to fat people, black people, Cubans, anime fans, homosexuals, hentai lovers, Asians, DBZ fans, Yu-Gi-Oh Players, Pokemon trainers (who play the games), Inuyasha fams and many more categories you don't care about. I fall into two of them (Black Anime fan, but I went completely crazy in the second one. Enjoy!)

-Who is Piccolo Really?

A mock interview by me and my boy Joel (the Indian guy) involving DBZ's Piccolo and his reluctant actor, Guyrhonte' Jackson (Think of it like cartoons have actors, just roll with it).

/* */
-B.L.A.A.A.C. Public Service Announcement

Extremely gay yaoi hentai anime enthusiast Guyrhonte' Jackson (Heh I use that alias in all my videos) goes on a quest to seek out the anime knowledge of his fellow high school students. This one was completely freestyled with no script, we just went up to random people and told them we were going to ask them a question and film it, but without telling them the question or that I was going to puff out my stomach so I'd look fat and talk like a gaybob. Yes, I am the tall one with the blue shirt.<div class="blogmedia">

/* */


That was really bad.. sorry.

OH NO THATS GOKU LMAO, but hey dude they are Japanese not chinese lol

lol I know man, but most people think that every type of Asian is Chinese and I wanted my character to seem pretty dumb, so there ya go.

Damn fam that shizz was funny as hell, the characters you was playing were bare funny, and it looks like you guys had a lot of fun doing it, didnt really pay too much attention to them cartoons back in the day, but this stuff makes me relise that more black people should be behind anime like the boondocks baby, keep doing your thing cuz, peace.

Hah, ay thanks man. You know I will!

lol, Dirtshake is in here too XD

Yezzir! Dirtshake is never seen without chips lol

duuuude looool!

i know lmao XD

HAHA yea boi, you guys are crazy, it looked like you bruddahs was enjoyin yourselves, i'll even let the whole gay character slide coz that shit right there was FUNNY! peace.

That's all we do is just act a damn fool lol Glad u enjoyed that 10 minutes of your time i just wasted hehe

That just got funnier n funnier. I hardly even give a shit about anime, but I definately know some fools what heave these conversations.

Funniest part is that, in BLAAAC, theres some kind of hierarchy that goes from pokemon master to super sayain. I JUST WISH I COULD JUST GO SUPER SAIYAN RIGHT NOW >=(

hah Yup, u better get on my level and become a Super Saiyan level 8 X-Lord Paladin like me

Haha! Big Pootie lookin like the balck winnie the pooh! oh and if Goku is chasin you dont run, hes prolly five foot nothin ( bein chinese and all ). Anyway funny videos. "Keep It Gangsta"!!!

lol! U crazy man hahaa

You love anime!

I kill for yaoi doujinshi budokai hentai tenkaichi X, man! O:>

Yo, i keep watching your DBZ vid its awesome! man...those chinese people musta been Ninjas to sneak up on a black man at night. being a concerned black man i hope those potato shoes where nikes. :)

They were man, u never heard of them Nike "SPUDZ"?

As much as i hate anime... it wasnt TOOO bad.

you should goto comic con sometime you'd find alot of people who act like that.

LOL I bet. Sooo straight, thanks tho.

it was a decent attempt, I would say next time do exchange of dialogue a few times, and separate cuts so you can see which work the best. also dont be afraid to edit tighter, Im always afraid to do that.

it was straight cheese, but you had fun, and in the end thats all that matters.

Of course. We were just fooling around and had 24 hours to shoot a short flick, and I said, let's just wing it. We got a good grade so that's good enough for me. And yes, it was TOO fun.

That's some funny shit right there, especially the B.L.A.A.A.C. Public Service Announcement bit. For something that was 'freestyle", that was pretty damn good. I tried something like that once, but let's just say that people in my area get offended WAAAAAYYY too easily for something like this to work.

Anyway, that was hilarious as hell, good job, man. :)

Thanks man, heh yea gotta catch em at school.

Hahaha! The public service segment was seriously funny. It was great how pissed off the interviewer got when those poor unsuspecting people picked the wrong answer to those crazy options. A little detail that had me cracking up was the description details next to the people's names. My favorite being "appears to be a big ass jar of honey!" LOL! Overall there was a great sense of fun, parody, and improv. Great work!

Preciate it =) That's my favorite kind of humor, which is why I love shows like Chasers War where they do the same thing

hahaha awesome due


My god that last one is funny. Glad to hear you got a good grade on it too. What did you get anyways?

Yay for my cameo too. You guys completely caught me off guard when you interviewed me, the whole hoody/ hair down was just done on a whim. I couldn't think of a funny name either, so I just went with chipz since I was eating them. You crazy blaaac man you.

I think Oppenheim gave me a B...XP
Anyways, thanks man, I did have to keep myself from laughing when you said your name was chips lol. Crazy blaaac man hah!

Both vids were funny man. That shiit was nice man you should make a flash like datt