Queer black pulp trash cartoons & music. TV storyboard hooker for rent.

Kalen Whitfield @JazLyte

Age 34, Male

Storyboard Skank


Joined on 4/20/06

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Great Student Animations & NightGun Update

Posted by JazLyte - August 22nd, 2008

I was looking at a friend of mine's home-made cartoons on Youtube when I just happened to come across some really great student animations you may enjoy. As far as I know, they're made in ToonBoom and they look fantastic.

I'll start off with my favorite... I love the style so much

/* */
This is another great one...

/* */
And finally... So savage

/* */
Oh and I guess it wouldn't be one of my posts without saying something about how confused I am at the moment about what I should do with my cartoon. I've started animating the next Nightgun movie finally, after my whole kick about finishing DevilSlayer. I think its best that I just don't look back, DevilSlayer had no piece of my soul in it except for maybe the spontaneous humor and even still there was no leeway for me to do anything really interesting with it. It was about as generic as Ben 10.

Now for the part you've been waiting for, what is YungJazz indecisive about todaaaay?? Dum... dum dum dum! I've written the script for the whole series how will I deliver the series? I can't decide whether I'll develop each movie one at a time like Xombie, Story of Khale and Brackenwood or do them all at once like Minushi and XIN. Wait... I think I just answered my own question, never mind... (I love you lifepoint1 don't take it personal)

Great Student Animations & NightGun Update


those are some great animations! thanks for sharing!

Thanks for share this animations. The firts one is amazing!

Thanks I'd properly would have never seen these if not for your post.

I have a couple of those on my YouTube fav's. I love that second one so much.

That has to be your best drawing I've seen so far... it's so much better than the ones I saw.

Even if the style remains the same(which is a postivie aspect, since your style is very unique and.. well it's kinda shouting in my ears "what if black+anime??" ), the anatomic elements' distribuition is far greater in comparison to other works.

The one in the right is full of life, you can easily tell what that face means at the same time you enjoy some nice graphics. Keep working on anatomy, avoiding straight lines and adding more detail, especially in the shoes of the left figure.

Good luck and keep it up.

Oh thanks, there's plenty more concept art on my Deviantart page if you like that.

That's great news that you won't go back and redo it :)
Those videos are fantastic, toon boom is really something special and that character design of yours on the right looks really animated, probably because of the fluid pose you've drawn it in. It's really good

Yeah, DevilSlayer was a redo, that would be dumb of me to do it again. The stuff that's out will be canonical to NightGun from here on out, only I've approached things from a better angle.

That was fabulous.

I like how you draw n shit.

Thanks lol

Lol at I-smel's comment.

Don't laugh at ma boy, I like how he comments and shit

google search "the naive man from lolliland"

*starts drawing Kiara hentai*

MAYORMCHEESE, I don't think she's "that" kind of girl lol. XD

lol ya never know XD

These are great

Hi, um random flash question.....
I know you use the pencil tool a lot, and I was wondering if you ever have trouble filling what you draw?

I have been trying out the pencil tool, and sometimes stuff just wont fill, I have tried changing the gap size on the fill tool but that didn't seem to work....

The second one is my favorite.

A technique I use if that happens, I kno it looks like alot but I just explained it in detail so u understand:
Go around to areas where you suspect there might be an opening in the lines, you'll either see a ( type shape next to the cursor, or one that looks like >. When you see the second one, click the line and drag it. If it pulls apart from the shape you drew, then you know that's the opening that's not allowing you to fill. After that, you can just click the end of hte line and attach it to the shape and coloring won't be a problem.