Current Projects
Necropolis Loves EVO Inc. -
(Written, storyboarded, in animation process) 50% Complete
Animated action short about an American company that brings the wonder and whimsy of magic to Necropolis, Neo-Africa. GOAL: 5 minutes, December 2008 release.
NECROPOLIS: Xenophobe -
(Written, storyboarded but shots in need of revision) 25% Complete
Confidential... GOAL: 10 minutes, July 2009 release.
CARTOON OF THE WEEK -Blokhedz Animation - Official Trailer
Animation apparently based on a comic called Blokhedz... It looks like a MUCH, MUCH slicker version of something I would make haha. But it's inspired me (Animation-wise anyway, I don't know about all that using rap to fight)
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Good luck my friend, at the end of April, I'll be up there with ya! Just with a big vampire war.