4 years of production could've been better spent
I'm not going to lie, to get this out of the way up front, I WISH I had your diligence. To work 4 years on one project is beyond my comprehension in ways I can't describe. The 8-some months I spend on my lovechild projects is ecxruciatingly unbearable, but 4 YEARS? MY GOD. You get points for that.
Unfortunately, here's where it becomes a dick review... This flash doesn't deliver even close to what everyone who saw the trailer a few years ago was expecting. In 4 years, a single animator could create a 10+ episode series, and even though in all that time my taste in cartoons has changed drastically, when I saw the title, I turned 15 again and got chills up my spine, because I was 100% sure that I was in store for an hour- long epic flash masterpiece with mind-blowing graphics and quality that would make me give a fuck about Sonic again... Nostalgia's a bitch, ain't it? Because now I look back at the trailer and realize that it wasn't even all that sweet, so now I have to rate it like I would any other painfully average Sonic fan movie that the portal shits out every once in awhile.
The graphics were average; they may have been impressive for basement toons back a few years ago, but now that Flash's incredible potential has been discovered, this looks just... okay. It was a 5-minute flash of utter randomness from the Sonic universe that really doesn't impress story-wise. Everything else isn't really yours. Frankly, being a proud Guilty Gear addict, I didn't think a full-GG soundtrack transplant added any value to the flash. The animation wasn't exactly convincing, so the lack of sound effects really took away from the overall experience. It was just bland. We've seen Sonic and Shadow fighting a million times, shit we'd seen them fight half a million times back when you announced the project.
I think I understand what happened here, because you certainly didn't spend all this time making shoddy 3-frame loops of Sonic's hair blowing, or conservatively animated, filter-raped fights and there is no sound design or casting to worry abut. Boredom first, I'm assuming, then real life matters, and after a long period you finally decide to sit down and finish it; but you've been working on the same damn thing for so long, there was no opportunity whatsoever for your skills to grow as an animator. And I know I keep bringing up the timeframe, but 4 years is ample time for a GIANT LEAP in Flash skill; having to do nothing but keep a consistent standard for so long can rob you of alot of opportunities to improve. Long story short, I suggest from now on you make shorter projects so you can have more room to improve, I'm sure that there's stuff you've been dying to do since you've started, so get crackin'. I'll still watch myself, but my only request is that it will not be about Sonic, seriously, we're tired of that n***a now. I wanna see something YOU came up with.