I love it ;D
great job, the humor is eXpertly placed
I love it ;D
great job, the humor is eXpertly placed
Righto, glad you liked it :)
;) good work
Pretty cool
It wasn't as entertaining as the first one and the music was terrible, but the art was good, you're good at that ^_^ Keep up the good work
Even I got a bit tired of that msic after a while, possibly one of the reasons I never finished it =P
Pretty cool I guess
normally I hate fan movies but it was pretty funny. You got alot of flash too, man, i looked at how much other stuff you got. But anywayz, keep up the good work ^_^
Righto, glad you liked it :)
8, for potential.
Goin' for the South Park look, eh? That's cool. Maybe alittle practice and it'll probably come out pretty good. Only complaint I got is that it's hard to tell what it's gonna be about, I'm gonna guess comedy because of the SP look, but mind fillin' us in?
Anywayz Good luck with that ^_^.
No i dont mind it's gonna be about gangs fighting for thugz mansion and yes theres gonna be hellz of alot of comedy im gonna make it so your jerome and you blow the hell outta everyone and im gonna have the comedy go towards the dont be a menace to south central kinda cause it's gonna be in the hood you know.
How original! A random loop with a still picture in the background and music with no redeeming qualities just to get people's attention! I wish there were more original artists on NG like you, I have never seen anything on NG like this before! This must have taken you forever to think of! SWEET!
dear black guy:
I truely do appreciate that for once someone with ACTUAL ABILITY TO DRAW AND MAKE FLASH has decided to shit on my shitty little shit loop I made when I was bored shitless. Really I am. However, upon 2 minutes into your flash I got bored and shut it off.
But this is about me! not you! Well, I thank you for your support. Why yes I did submit this craving attention. everyone pays attention to a submission with a 1.80 score indeed. I know I know, people can't be as awesome as cool as me. maybe you'll learn someday! Maybe you have, but I actually put a slight effort into making the picture, and it passed without a mass voting from my friends list. Why yes it did take me forever, all forever of 5 minutes of boredom after looking through some of my own work.
Regardless, have a nice day mr black man sir
Well made
but what's your beef with God? that joke is so played out
I can't have a beef with god, it don't exist. I have a beef with religion.
Queer black pulp trash cartoons & music. TV storyboard hooker for rent.
Age 34, Male
Storyboard Skank
Joined on 4/20/06