Very cool
This toon has great presentation, a little intro animation, a slick simplistic style, great voice acting and everything. I love the "camera-usage" effect too, there's lots of that and I think it looks cool as hell with your drawing style.
I have my complaints though, the story seems kinda weak at this point (Mysterious kid with big appetite....ugh...) but it's nothing that can't be improved, I've seen much worse. The biggest problem here is that this submission isn't satisfying at all. I realize that if you're making a series, it can relieve you of some storytelling obligations such as closure because there'll be more episodes, but wouldn't you want to give your fans a heaping helping of dat anime luvvin' instead of teasing them? I know I was waaay into it at that point where you cut it off. For a series like this, I think you should take at least a good 6-8 minutes to make sure you accomplish something storywise, and that your watchers walk away satisfied. That's just my opinion anyway, God knows I'm guilty of the same thing. Can't wait to see more, keep up the good work