You seem good, but this didn't do much for me.
You seem to have relative flash skill, but the subject matter was barely entertaining. Maybe it's just me. The art and graphics were okay, and the animation was average i suppose, but it seemed pointless. How would you describe this flash to someone if you were trying to get them to watch it? "There's this guy, and he's trying to kill himself, but he's dreaming, over and over. Along the way, he screams, and says the F-Word alot." I suppose you were going for some type of symbolism, but who's life is it relative to? Did I mention he said the F-word at more out-of-place and unrealistic times in this 2-minute cartoon than South Park does in a whole 20-minute episode? But it could just be me who has a problem with those things. No offense. Good luck in future work.