Queer black pulp trash cartoons & music. TV storyboard hooker for rent.

Kalen Whitfield @JazLyte

Age 34, Male

Storyboard Skank


Joined on 4/20/06

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Posted by JazLyte - March 9th, 2008

I've had it with anime. Though it is good for detail and looks really cool standing still, I would rather have living, breathing, fighting characters in my movies than pretty but cold emotionless ones like many anime style animations. Don't get me wrong, I love Afro Samurai, Samurai Champloo and Cowboy Bebop, but I would rather use less shading detail on living characters and focus that on killer sceneries and lighting effects. I pull my hair out watching how still and boring the animation was in the talking scene of my last movie. However, the fight was probably my best work yet and had a ton of animation, so I know I can do it. I'm just committing myself to having more hardcore frame-by-frame and less boring prettyness.

With lots of studying in my hiatus from animating, I also got a chance to reflect on what little imagination and effort I've put into my writing. People seem to enjoy the realistic voice-acting, but I'm talking about the plot and mythology behind my movies. I can't go on with NightGun's story the way it is. I basically just mixed Devil May Cry, Power Rangers, and X-Men, threw in black people and anime-tized it and called it my own with the pilot. I've been praying for months now for a better story and I've finally got one. (And yes, I believe God's there, I am a shameless Jesus freak) I want more than anything to make a relatively serious story that grips people and is ORIGINAL. I will still do comedy, but probably on a separate basis. I've learned that the more genres you force into a production, the more it will fall short on each.

I'm sick of being one of Newgrounds' average animators. I'm ready for my top spot now and I'll do what it takes to get it. The few fans I have, I hope will stick with me on my changes. I'm working on a script for a 30-minute feature with the world of NightGun called NightGun: "Utopia" that from the looks of the script and storyboards, I'll probably release in 3 parts. Been working on concept art and ideas viciously, and production will start hopefully May if I've finished the commercial for my friend's business.

Posted some concept art below that will be how the characters will be drawn in the cartoon, simplistic, but it will have tons of animation, more than I ever have before. Also, Jazz and Blues will be referred to for the first time in the Neotropolis story by their birth names, JAKAL AND BRYCE. (See the character profiles in the preloader of 'Magic Crack Rocks'.) Peace.



Dayyum your a good artist.

Thanks man, I seen your stuff too, you're pretty sick ya'self

Man, I hate it when certain anime just uses like two frames for lip-syncing: Mouth open and mouth closed. They end up looking ridiculous.
Animation's way more important than detail. I like the direction you're going.
It might look simple to you, but compared to some of the other stuff on NG, I bet your new stuff's excellent.

I know man, I hate that now myself, and I am sooo guilty of it, seriously. What's detail without life? No substance.Thanks for the encouragement though man. Won't disappoint.

Looks better already

Thanks man =)

JEEEEZ! its good to see you learn from your mistakes, cant wait for that new animation to come out, your back in big ways fam.

'Preciate the support man, won't let ya down. =)

It'll be a huge effort, but it seems like you're up for it, and I'm sure something top quality will come out of it, thus boosting you to a 'top animator'.

good luck :)

Thanks man, hehe

to get away from an anime style i would recommend greatly that you draw with organic shapes only, instead of geometric ones that mostly everyone uses. also, try not to tween so much :]

I understand the part about tweening, but I'm not so sure I understand what you mean about the organic and geometric shapes, how does this apply to me?

they all have the same face

Oh well.

Looks kinda cool, but I'm not into anime though.

I said I'm ditching anime.

You're not the only one who thinks this. Animation first, details last.

Yup. Took me a second to realize it, but I've come to my senses.

What DarkShadow is getting at is this.

Take a look at your lineart. Your lines are mostly straight, and when they're curved, the line is uniformly curved all the way through. No natural lines occur like that. Go outside and look at the tree, and the grass flowers and the kids. Try to imagine outlines on them. What do they look like. They are going to be varied and abstract and not something a line tool or ruler or stencil is going to replicate.

Life is free and loose and not restricted by stiffer lines and constraints the way math and such things are. Right now all you characters look constructed out of just basic shapes. Circles, squares, those sorts of things. It's all very uniform and similar throughout.

Organic shapes though are varied. You heads are on consistent shape. It's geometric. An organic head, would be a multitude of shapes and volumes converging to make something that didn't resemble any typical shape in geometry.

That being said, I do see loads of improvement.

Oh ok. Well I don't want to make excuses, but with the fact that I can't afford a tablet at the moment and all my drawings are by mouse, it'll have to do for now. I'll get the hang of it sooner or later though.

I have your problem too...only the exact opposite. I have the patience for frame by frame animation, but not the artwork to go with it.

I support you on your new direction. Your new style doesn't look half bad, and if it helps you make sweeter animation and not just a serious of pretty pictures with moving mouths as you've kind of put it, than go with it.

Good luck with your new writing and artistic approach. I can't see it turning out bad.


Thanks Dirtshake, and yeah man you'll get the hang of it

Welcome to the world of the real, good luck on your next works

Hehe. Thanks man

I say go with whatever style you want

I will, I liked having lots of detail but everything you do comes with some costs and I'd just rather have characters that don't seem so stiff

I definitely support a unique visual shift. Anime has become a cliche at this point in fighting animations. Good luck to you.

I agree, thanks man

About the animation, the problem is that nowadays anime is so comercialized that animators have the pression to finish within weeks, week actually, but still, yeah, they focus too much in detail and its dificult to draw alot of frames with that much detail, so yeah, you have more right than me, besides im all conssumed by anime, so my opinion is not very objective... but anyway, in some movies, since they have more time and budget, the animtion is crazy, like in steamboy or metropolis.

I know, right? If you look really hard you can find anime that has "life" to it, though, and it is definately the big budget ones. Miyazaki's stuff for example. But on the real though, if you look close, you notice that he takes away detail in many unimportant areas that a lot of anime directors focus on, and yet Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke, heck even that Digimon theatre movie from awhile back had some sick animation and lots of frame-by-frame. It's a lot less stressful and tempting to eliminate the unnecessary details like having 8 different light sources on the eyes and 4-toned shading in favor of focus on the entertaining ones like raw-ass break-neck fights and lifelike, animated conversations.

You have a point there. I Like Drawing anime in my shows cuz its more serious and less time to spend on drawing people. Not only that but Nerds tend to love anime girls with hair that difines gravity all togeather XD.

But If you can make an anime character look like a real person (Like Cowboy Bebop n ect) It will look awesome...Nice Drawing btw


Yeah man, and I feel you. In anime, there's more of a nature to have no censorship whatsoever and as much exaggerrated action and violence or raw reality. I like that part, so I'm just gonna carry that over into my new style.

you have a interesting way of drawing, i want to see some future projects from yours

Thanks man, I've seen your stuff too, that Dream Thieves video was bangin'

i know what you mean with the changing ur direction. I had a few things planned and then i suddenly felt i needed to get back into producing original work. i dropped Halomen3 and other parodies and now i'm getting back into the swing of things. I hope that your future works go well. you have a nice style and flow to your animations. They are full of life and expression.

Yeah man, and I was really glad to see that too. Your new movie's sick, I'd much rather see original movies. Thanks for the compliments

Peace to ya brother...
I would love to see more animation from ya...

Thanks man, I got lots more to come =)

i loved your face expressions.
i will be looking forward for NightGun

Then that I will give hehe

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