Queer black pulp trash cartoons & music. TV storyboard hooker for rent.

Kalen Whitfield @JazLyte

Age 34, Male

Storyboard Skank


Joined on 4/20/06

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Allot of movies are like that
Street fighter, Dragon Ball Z, Dead or Alive
Hollywood just see's a big thing making allot of money and comes up with a way to make money of of it with doing little work.

All created destined for the bargain rack -_-;;

haha i heard about this - someone told me it was the worst movie they have ever seen ever haha

You know... if it weren't for Legion... I'd agree...

Ahhh dammit i heard the cartoon was pretty good and im gonna start watching it soon but shit it looked like a cool movie and im suppose to watch it today with my girl, And WTF the 2 heroes are freaking brown couldn't they find anyone a bit darker shit Shyamalan...

Wait, no, no! The movie was FULL of dark-skinned people! 75% of the movie was either East Indian or black, I shit you not. Just not even close to accurate from the show.

I had a feeling it was gonna be an awful movie. I have seen all the avatar episodes, i actually just recently re - watched books 1 - 3 and as soon as i saw the preview for the last airbender movie i just though to myself 'oh god no, dont destroy something so great'

Unfourtunatly thats just how it is. The series was created by nickalodian whereas the movie has M. night shamafaggot claiming its his own story.

This isnt the first movie to destroy a great series. Not sure if you saw the dragon ball movie they made awhile back but... well.... yea....

I did... I did. Why... was that kid from The Invisible Goku?

*raises hand* Called it.
Personally I blame Shyamalan, but hey who knows. THERE SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN DIALOGUE PROBLEMS its not like it was dubbed or anything. I also felt that Dev Patel, and Shaun Toub would have done a nice job if they could compete with the personalities of Dante Bosco or Greg Baldwin, and were given anything good to do or say.

It would have been pointless. For people who know the cartoon, the plot moved at ridiculous speed. If you don't know the cartoon, there was no plot at all. Nothing could have saved that movie.

Not that it matters but was that earth bender girl in it? The one that was blind whos name eludes me atm. Only watched a few episodes here and there so not to familiar with all the characters. I love all these no name actors and actresses I notice at the top, I don't see them getting any more roles in the near futrue. at least take some advice from "tropic thunder" with the skin tones... I mean damn...really that's who they got to play the roles! Sucks, I was def gonna go see this movie the other day im glad I didn't and saw toy story instead lol.

And 50% of the people in the movie were East Indian too, so it's not like they COULDN'T have. And nah, Toph wasn't in it. This movie was based on the first third of the show and she didn't show up until a little later.

I liked the cartoon too, but the trailer was clue enough for me that the movie would be failure.

The longer the trailers got, the more evident that became.

Believe it or not, the two main creators of the show worked with the director on the movie. I guess they didn't have enough input :[

Yeah, I wouldn't imagine so. Either that or they were so cool with the fat ass property rights check they just didn't give a fuck.

the races have swiched

Monk Gyatso was black

i told u so

indeed you did.

lol White White black...

they got it opposite, them bitches...


I'm gonna beat Shalalalalala's ass.

usually with movies like this at least the VFX and fights are pretty good, but they even failed to get that stuff right. so you've got the shitty plot of a standard fantasy kung-fu movie and shitty fights to drag it down even further

what the fuck is M night doing? does he even know anymore?

Nope. It was pathetic hearing him trying to sell the movie in the interviews. I think he literally says in one scene "I was always a fan of this scene and thought it was very powerful, so I decided to change it to be this instead." The fuck kind of logic is that...?


Its like hollywood has a problem casting ethnically correct actors. Its prince of persia all over again.

I would have forgiven it if the rest of the movie was decent...

I knew this film was a dead horse fetus before it even plopped out of the mare Shaymalan impregnated. I mean, come on, this is the man who makes a film about plants commanding us to commit suicide?!

Avatar has been destroyed by this charlatan. Hell, I used to watch the show (REALLY need to get back into it) for the pure fact that you could just sit back, relax, not even care about the plot and just be taken away by awesome characters and visuals. Even when Zuko isn't being a whiny emo (I'M SORRY BUT IT'S TRUE, PEOPLE.).

But hey, not every modern show is crap, man.
After all, Generator Rex has actually got my attention, and is doing GOOD for a CN action show in this day and age, I had almost consigned it to the same ilk as Ben 10. If you sit down and watch that stuff through, the mystery underlying the whole series is enough to keep you suspenseful and wanting more, owing to the little hints and clues they keep dropping for glimpses of the 'bigger' picture to what happened in the disaster in the past.

So, I know you have BIG hopes after Avatar, and it's terrible botching (can we say "Eragon" all over again?) but don't discount every cartoon.

I know not every modern show is shit, and I do agree that Generator Rex isn't nearly as excruciating to watch as Ben 10, but I'm picky as hell when it comes to cartoons. I'm always looking for something unique that stands out and that's not necessarily a popular trend these days, especially when mediocrity seems to be selling damn good in most of the entertainment industry. I discount only what seems like they creators weren't even trying...

To my credit, I love Adventure Time. Alot.

A pile o crap with a good name slapped onto it. German cinemas don't show the movie yet but the whole internet is telling me to avoid it already, sooo I rather preserve the funny memories I have from the series.

Good call.

I think I fall into the "Doesn't know the show very well" category, and I agree 100%! The funny thing is I had hopes in the first five minutes that the movie would be good. The visuals matched the show very well and the changes were minor enough that I didn't care, they were changes that transferred well to the film. However after that five minutes I realized that they had just gone through three episodes and I had some doubts. I stopped watching the movie as an adaptation at that point and decided to watch it as its own movie.


I agree with you that the biggest problem was pacing. It was like watching a Narnia movie. The plot before the big battle scene is rushed so we get no character development and no understanding of what is going on. Then during the battle scene there are those moments where audience is supposed to care, usually somebody dieing, somebody rising to the challenge, a big twist, or all of the above and more, but when you rush the previous portions of the plot, you don't give a shit. I really did not give a shit about anything in the final battle because...there was nothing to care about. Oh good job Ang, you made a waterfall. You've only been water bending for....a few days???? I thought that shit was supposed to be hard and you just learned the super move or whatever in a few days? What the fuck????

I guess I'll try to lighten the mood now and say that if you must go see it to prove something to yourself or find closure, just go to see the character Iroh. He may not look like his cartoon counter-part in the visual department, but it's a change that works for his on-screen persona. He is the only actor that takes his part and does something with it, and he ends up being the only character you care for because he does show emotion, go though some MINOR changes ( its something ) and the only one that doesn't have to do an America's Best Dance Crew Routine to throw fire at you.

YungJazz summed it up best when the credits rolled.

"If I EVER see this Shamalanfoofoo walking down the street I'm going to kick his fucking ass!" [ audience laughs ]

Lmao I meant every word of it. I'm about to go full fucking 6'3 meaty black anime-geek on his ass.

I wanst expecting that the movie was goinf to be good

Avatar inst a great series...is just GENIUS and BEUTIFULL, how the character moves, the originality in each techinique used on every episode.... I almost had a orgasm watching the last 4 episodes. THAT SHOULD BE THE LAST AIRBENDER MOVIE, the last 4 episodes of AVATAR

I have a feeling they'd have fucked it up regardless of what it was -_-;;

man they shoulda just made Avatar on Broadway and left it at that

What was with Zuko's accent? He sounded Australian.

All across Twitter yesterday I saw nothing BUT negative reviews from every reputable movie site and critic. The sad part is I was holding out on at least the special effects looking kinda neat...but then they showcased the clip on the boat and he flies up the glaciers etc. and I went "...wow, this doesn't look completely, obviously, green-screened. Nope."

At the very least, the show will reign supreme. B)

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