Queer black pulp trash cartoons & music. TV storyboard hooker for rent.

Kalen Whitfield @JazLyte

Age 34, Male

Storyboard Skank


Joined on 4/20/06

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My Shit's on FOX (and Patreon)

Posted by JazLyte - January 28th, 2015

Hey lovely people! You may remember me from such things as the Great Newgrounds Anime Craze of the 2000's. Well, people grow up. Thanks to all the jeering, love and hatred of this community, I've started a descent into the maddening world of television animation. 

Those who follow me may think I haven't been producing any cartoons, but actually I've been making lots. If you follow FOX Animation Domination High Def you've been watching JazLyte Toons (or toons infected by my animation, storyboarding, designs or backgrounds) for a good chunk of 2014. 

Actually got to direct this one!

Thanks to my shameful addiction to this indie art monster that is Newgrounds, internet cartoons, which were once a harmful obsession, now pay my bills. So to those who helped create this monster, thank you, you are the best! Expect more horrors to come.

Now that I've safely burrowed into the buttocks of the larger animation industry, I've started working on new personal cartoons again, and like all shameless internet whores you can become a part of the problem and support my work on Patreon!

Not that I won't just make cartoons for you for free anyway, but best believe that when I'm done working __ hours a week for FOX, my need to create has not dwindled and I still have lots of animated love and hate to give. Supporting me with what you'd spend on a delicious McDonald's Dollar Menu snack you'll get access to production art, animatics, tutorials and more just to prove that you're better than everybody else!

Fun fact, if everybody who follows me puts in $1 (ONLY for when I create content), that would be more than enough it would take for me to perform lewd sexual acts, let alone make more cartoons when I'm done making cartoons at work. Food for thought! 

Enjoy your day, Newgrounds, and Newgrounds Staff. I love you, seriously. You changed my life.





I'm your first Patron! w00t

Tom I swear you are my favorite person, stop it <3 Thank you, man! I will never stop tainting your web space with my tasteless cartoons.

Awesome Awesome Awesome

your schtuff is sooo awesome!

Thanks brah :D Same to you!

Congrats, dude. Knew you'd break through.

Thankyou sir! (Still breaking)

Well shiz, congrats man. I actually watched Animation Hi-Def a couple times. (wanted to see the fuss of Axe Cop, and Golan was okay I guess) though some of the better stuff was the in-between cartoons like super anime man, the song about things of childhood with a shout out to commander keen, and etc. I thought some of the styles of some stuff looked familiar.

Now see if you can get your stuff on the show Trip Tank. LazyMuffin did it, so why not you?

Also long time no see.

Why thankyou! Worth a try, that would be pretty cool.

Kudos man, I've been silently following your stuff for awhile, glad to see it's paying the bills now :D

Thankya sir. Yup, only took a shit ton of school debt :D

Do you have a Paypal address? Who knows how desperate I'll be for cash next month...
Sure am glad you went mainstreams mediar man, match made in heaven I hope :) I forgot ADHD was even a thing, sure beats TripTank :| Will they entertain non-solicited animations?

Much appreciated! I do have Paypal, and I am accepting donations over 500 haha. Yup, ADHD's still around, on TV and on the webz. Do mean if they take submissions for content? Nah, not that I know of, whatever they post has to be made at the studio or contracted out.

Well... if you make it to the NG party, I'll try and scrounge a few bucks, give it to you then!