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Kalen Whitfield @JazLyte

Age 34, Male

Storyboard Skank


Joined on 4/20/06

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Uncontrolled Satellite Falling To Earth...

Posted by JazLyte - January 29th, 2008

Anybody hear about that or see it on AOL news? I'm prayin' that boy lands in the ocean somewhere. NASA said it lost power, is out of control and is orbiting Earth being pulled in by gravity right now. It's supposed to hit sometime at the end of February or early March. They really need to just get a few stealth jets, find it, and blow it to smitherines. I wish I had the link to show you guys, but you can look it up on Google. Lazy :P

Still working on my friend's animated commercial for his business when I get the chance, and about 25% of NightGun [Ep.II] which is my second animated priority. Holla

Uncontrolled Satellite Falling To Earth...


I have not heard of this, lemme check my local news.

there's tons about it, found this on Google

http://www.expressindia.com/lates t-news/US-satellite-falling-from-

i heard about it on fox2 news edge

FOX 2? Hot damn, thought I was the only person on here from Detroit.

I'm not worried, it'll burn up in our atmosphere and what's ever left will be no bigger than a chihuahua's head.

I would hope so.

yea, but something traveling at that kind of speed would be pretty fucking destructive even if it were the size of a chihuahua's head.

Yeah, and AOL.com said it's the size of a small school bus.

Freaky stuff, I'd hate to be hit by hit while I slept in the night.

But then again, I'd hate to be hit by it fullstop.

I know, right?

What are the chances of it missing the ocean in the first place? The earth is 70% water (or something big like that).

Yup, the first one that fell from the sky in '79 did so chances are it probably will. But it's still a crazy story.

O I wouldn't worry about it. They say the probability of this thing hitting a populated area is about 1%. Whats really got those guys at NASA worked up is the fact that this is a spy satellite. They're afraid it'll fall within Chinese or Russian borders with some top secret info still intact.

Hehe, possibly. Wouldn't put it past 'em.

Oh phew...
I'm glad its a satellite.


I am praying it lands whole in my backyard and nobody else finds out.

hah yeah, me too. hope you got a big yard

"They really need to just get a few stealth jets, find it, and blow it to smitherines."

An Under Seige 2 referrance possibly?

never seen it, but if i had, there's a 99% chance it would have been lol

Blow it to smites?

Well gud, then we'll have TONS more pieces of uncontrolled space junk around

true. i'm sure there's other solutions

Le'ts hope it hits the ocean.

And am I the only one who at first thought this was a Cloverfield reference???

And by your screenshot, am I to believe the gay announcer is back???? =D

I know man. And yeah lol

I heard this from one of my work mates, but I thought it was just one of her stories. Seeing this on the news that night, I was slightly panicked and thinking 'I hope it get's our enemies house!' That would be a miracle, 'cuz we hate them more then anyone we have aever hated. If it lands somewhere else, I do hope it IS no larger than a chihuahuas head.

lol hey, whatever floats your boat. I'm hoping it doesn't hit anybody.

meh, at least that huge meteor just missed us a few days ago. The tiny satellite won't do a thing :)
btw, looking forward to episode 2 ;)

Hope so man. And thanks =)

Let's just zap it through the fabric of time and space and into the next dimension. Let our other-selves deal with it.

But seriously, on the off chance it's going to land on civilization or in some place that's going to compromise the secret information about aliens, they can always redirect its path.

lol i s'pose so

I use the windows sidebar, and i heard about it from there. Actually i heard that the thing can't be blown up because it has berylium on it (element #4) and so they can't do anything but let it fall and hope for the best. I hope it lands in the ocean and doesn't cause a tidal wave or nothing like that. Creepy if ya ask me.

So it really does have chemicals, I was hoping it didn't. AOL said they "weren't for certain" Man, no kiddin'.

lol, ive heard about it on G4, but not on fox or anything, dont really watch the news though. As long as it doesnt land anywhere near me, or in michigan for that matter, I'll be happy.

I'll be happy if it doesn't land in Michigan too. Or anywhere else on land.

How goddam unlucky are you if that thing hits you in the face? @_@

It's bigger than a face lol, that wouldn't be all it hits

hmmm.... i hope it lands in my backyard on feb. 22

sounds like a pretty cool birthday present to me......except for the huge fireball and airborne chunks of metal

lol or hot, dangerous chemicals

Nuke it.

And cause even more dangerous radiation for miles around?

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