Queer black pulp trash cartoons & music. TV storyboard hooker for rent.

Kalen Whitfield @JazLyte

Age 34, Male

Storyboard Skank


Joined on 4/20/06

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Cool Story BRUR

Posted by JazLyte - May 19th, 2012

Yeah so I'm going to be doing this every Monday. Do you love me yet?

Also I'm making more Negropolis because I'm hopeless. <3 Yoouuuu


Anime sucks!

Haha completely agreed

awesome !! loved the first one

why thankyou suh

Halfway through, this is cool. This is a podcast, once you make more you should put it on iTunes, cos I don't think there are many cartoon podcasts that aren't about My Little Pony.

I'd literally never heard of Road To El Dorado, but I just watched the trailer and oooooooomg I should watch this right now.

Alright that was definately cool.

Hey what do you think of Gainax anime? Cos Panty and Stocking was a thing, and some of the animation was fffffucking ballistic, nuts, fun as hell, but I can't watch a whole episode cos the characters and the writing and everything is fucking awful and as unfunny as it gets.
Gurren Lagaan had an excellent style aswel (I think) and even though the Japanese-ness of it was still kind of annoying, it wasn't bad enough to totally switch me off it.
Egoraptor did a panel where he reccomended everyone watch an anime called Re: Cutie Honey, and I got halfway through the intro like "Oh man I can see why thi--" and then I realised it was totally an unfunny wank-bait hentai anime and was like "oh god fuckin dammit" and it was just the worst.

This is a long comment, BUT: I've thought a lot about anime being so unfunny and what's up with that. I've only ever laughed at one anime, and it wasn't a comedy, it just had funny parts. I'm not reccomending this to anyone cos it's dumb that I watched it, but Haruhi Suzumiya is animated with one defined art stlye from start to finish. It DOESN'T change, people's heads don't turn giant when they shout, giant fuckin sweat drops don't appear on people's heads, people don't flip upside-down Pokemon-style, everything's just delivered straight and within the boundaries of how it'd happen in real life. So whenever something funny happened, it'd come out completely deadpan, or it'd lean on the character's natural delivery.
So for the first time I laughed at an anime, more than once.
But then maybe I just turned retarded?

Yeah man, finding the good shit among the recommendations and sacred cows is like disarming a bomb. I like Gainax for the most part, I really enjoy Imaishi's nasty, harsh ass animation that's all over the place, and I enjoyed Abenobashi, Fooly Cooly and Gurren Lagaan (I get what you mean about it though, Gurren Lagaan had it's MOMENTS that made it awesome, but outside of those I probably wouldn't jump at the thought of watching it again)

I've seen anime that made me laugh, but the people who wrote it had a much more subtle approach, usually it is the anime that's not comedy, or the comedy stuff that's been Americanized to be more vulgar. I find myself busting a gut watching Paranoia Agent all the time because of all the demented, absurd characters, but it's Kon man, it's going to be genius regardless. By the time you're done watching anything by Kon you'll have ran through all your fuckin' emotions and back again. I don't like Haruhi, but I DO agree with you, anime comedy "enhancers" are utter bullshit, visual comedy should be just as artistic if not more than the cartoon's normal look. Ask John K. B3

cant wait for more negropolis


Oh boy oh boy oh boy
I'm headin out the door right now but when I get back I'm gonna watch the fuck outta this and then I'm gonna have so many opinions to throw your wayyyy <3

Hunchback was untouchable.. I cant push that movie enough, and yah fuck anime.
Though I did fall in love with Tiger and Bunny, and ippo.

HELL. THE FUCK. YES. Hunchback did NOT get enough dick sucking. I always wished that Disney had just kept going in that darker direction with their 2D stuff and let it grow up with their fans from the last generation but I mean shit, when was the last time Disney fed us something we wanted? Tiger and Bunny's great.

Something to throw into a future rant about 3D animation: 3D should not be treated as a style - it should be treated as a tool. Some of the best use of 3D can be found in what are otherwise 2D animated films. The Prince of Egypt, great movie; Titan AE, great movie; Atlantis, suffered from sequelitis, but still pretty damn good. Ironically, Prince of Egypt was made by DreamWorks, which is now both the worst offender of 3D supremacism and the best example of why it isn't true.

So yeah, when referring to it as a style, fuck 3D in its hairy, crank-operated cookie-cutter ass. Looking forward to more "Cool Story."

Very good point, I'm SO going to quote you on that second to last sentence hahaha. Every artistic medium is a means to an end, they're only as good as the ideas of the person using them. Same rule goes for 2D. 3D can be very stylish and jizztastic, but slippery, rigid 3D is just as painful to look as as poorly drawn 2D. All the same animation principles still apply, just because something's moving doesn't mean it's MOVING.

Climaxed at Batman. I'll watch the rest later.


Climaxed at Batman. I'll watch the rest later.


Wha'd I tell ya boy I told ya

Yeah man I know exactly what you mean about hating cartoons. It's like in visual art as a whole there's such a myriad of styles and subjects, millions of different movements with different senses of design and purpose, and then I look back at animation, and everything is either in the animu camp or the "krazy kartoony kamp", both of which I can't fucking stand. I really have to look hard to find anything of any quality.
It's true, the western attitude of 'animation is for kids' has really been holding America back since like the 70s. Because apart from the fact that there's hardly any good cartoons written for adults, people know they don't have to put effort into a show when it's aimed at 8 year olds. When I was 8 I could tell the difference between a good cartoon and a shit one, but I still sat there and stared at it like a dumbass rabbit in the middle of the road. And I still find people who look back at the bad shows with a fond nostalgic eye. If you look up the biggest piece of shit show from your childhood on Youtube, the top comment is gunna be "This show WAS my childhood. Cartoons today are all rubbish."
Anime doesn't have that problem. My God it's got a lot of problems, but it doesn't have THAT problem. I can't imagine America making an animated psychological thriller at any point soon. Horror, action, porn, drama, murder mystery. There is anime of all of this. Most of it is unwatchable, but at least they've fucking tried, and some good ones have emerged from it all. And you're right, regardless of how bad they may be, they try to actually animate them cuz they know people that give a fuck are watching.

If to get a cartoon out there in America it has to be aimed at kids, it means that most writers don't actually fall into the same demographic as their audience. They sit there going "kids like this kinda stuff, right?" And it's sad, most of the real gem kids shows America has made have been good because you can tell the writers are not only funny writers, but rather than writing jokes for kids they're writing jokes that they like too. They have to find an overlap in what they find funny and what kids will, and half the time the show gets axed cuz the jokes still lean more towards them than the children. Good shows still rise out of this situation, people can make g or pg rated comedy that's OUT OF ROOM END OF PART 1

As I was saying, people can make g or pg rated comedy that's still actually good outside of making your child shut up for 30 minutes, but people shouldn't HAVE to be limited to that. And of course just then I was only talking about comedy. There are examples outside of comedy, of animated American kids shows that aren't completely lackluster, like Avatar as you mentioned before. Only there are pretty damn few examples cuz 95% of cartoons America is making ARE comedy, and if they wanna have more successes in other genres they're gonna have to make more attempts. Horrible, failed attempts.
In Western society the tradeoff for adult animation is that it's made on a budget of nothing, which for the most part means nothing is actually gonna be 'animated'. Superjail is one of the only exceptions to that rule I can think of, and funnily enough it's become my favourite show (well, season 1 at least. I can't speak on behalf of season 2 since I haven't seen it). And so it makes me think, if America actually made adult animated shows, that weren't sitcoms, and actually took pride in the animation, I'd fucking love it. I love all the ones I've seen, and I've seen probably 5 at most.

Apart from that I just don't try with TV series. I stay in the safety of art films, which are inevitably never series, and always one-offs, since they're usually made out-of-pocket. Apart from the fact that animators are often gonna animate well on their more personal films, I prefer experimental animations mostly cuz I'd rather sift through movies where people have tried something new and it's failed, rather than tried something that's already been tried and it's turned out the same. This comes back to what I said before about how there's more styles applied to unmoving visual art. I'm seeing a greater mix of styles, and styles I've only seen in still art, in independent animation than I would watching fucken Disney Channel. Internet and Animation festivals seem to have more on offer.

Anyway, cool story bro. I'll make sure to keep watching these, and if you keep making these FP posts for 'em I'll make sure to keep leaving massive rambly comments that you won't feel like reading. And if you don't make FP posts I'll just start emailing all these words to you every fuckin week.

Talk later, honeycunt <3

I fucking love you.

You completely summed up everything that's wrong with mainstream American cartoons with one simple idea, THEY DON'T TAKE RISKS. NONE. Like you said, not only won't they take the risks to step outside of the three absolute, unquestionable genres (Kids' comedy, Kids' action and "the Simpsons"), but they refuse to invest in things and people who are outside of their little network cults. Nobody gets into these things, nobody gets out. If I really thought that these overfed Frankenstein conglomerates like Disney, Turner Broadcasting and MTV cared, I would respond with a manifesto of shit they could do to fix the artistic problems with mainstream animation, but they don't. You are right. Kids will watch whatever the fuck you put in front of them, that's why I gave up on ever fucking with TV (I originally wanted to be a TV animation producer).

Independent films are where it's at with animation, honestly if I could live my whole life making indie toons for the internet and be able to live decently(and pay back my ridiculous student loans), I would in a heartbeat. The thing that you probably respond to in still art is the fact that it's one person's vision. One person tells their own story with solo art, and the good and the bad are all on them. Same principle applies with animation, a lot of the best cartoon works are stuff the can be traced back to one quirky fuck who has an imagination/soul everybody wants to see into. But that just doesn't get done with mainstream animation over here, it's all about the collective and getting money to feed it, so nobody's stories are getting told; everything animated on TV and in theaters now is basically like a clown made from the body parts of other dead clowns that's still expected to be funny and charismatic. But I mean, if a kid grows up around amalgam zombie clowns they won't be bothered by it.

PLEASE keep leaving massive rambly comments, your text walls are made of velvet and coffee <3

I agree when you said that avatar the last airbender was a big fuck you to japan with no blood either and the whole comic book shop thing is very true

we should do one of these together bro......i will counterpoint you to death.

I agree you should do one with another person.

If you do Anime part 2 and one with PigPen this week then you'll have like 3 weeks worth of content already.

Anyone saying there's superiority of any type of art compared to others hasn't had enough artistic perspective experience to exclaim such statements.

3d is in no way a step up from 2d.
Both have there cons and pros.
but let's talk about 3d real quick

Con show:
Ever take a look at that failed abortion Fan boy and chum chum?
It was an obnoxious conglomerate of snot paste plots and garbage filled laborious comedy.
Hell, it wasn't even comedy in the first place; rather an experiment to make more money off the degradation of their viewers minds. The character designs were somewhat sub par creative, but the motions and expressions were just too over the top; it puts off alot stirred emotion. the buildings being all twisted and gnarled set me in a dream/nightmare state.

Pro show:
You've seen FireBreather?
Those animators, knew what the fuck they were doing. Character designs were clean cut, and consistent. The lighting atmosphere felt so natural as well as welcoming, like i was back at my home town. All the characters personalities touched a good amount of emotions of calming, dullness, happiness, indifference, optimism, fury, and even depression. Each had a role to play and worked well. Shit, even that parkour bit in the highschool was just too damn good.

i would like to delve further into the subject but i said i'd make it quick

Thanks for this video jaz, you're voice speaks words that ring true.

3D being a step up from 2D is dumb in cartoons, but in games it's kind of a weird nebulous argument.

Games are driven by the person playing, so you can't really DRAW light and shadows on something if you don't know where it's gonna be. You can do a FAIRLY good job of it if you're smart and you put a lot of work in, but at a certain point it's gonna make way more sense to do it as polygons and shaders.
And also, what- are you gonna draw the character from every angle depending on where the camera is? Most people's favourite games wouldn't be possible in 2D, whether it's the art or how it played or practically any of it.

But yeah, with regular animation you're free to do whatever. I guess it comes down to what's "trending" and what your budget is and blah blah blah producers.
How things look in games is a giant seperate web of conversations though, jus throwin it out there before anything gets mixed up in a weird way.

Why i have the impressions that a huge part (to don't say WAY TOO MUCH) anime and recent cartoons i watched are all the same?

I mean, it's full of politically correct/stories jockes and stuff and where they are dealing with "SENSITIVE SUBJECTS" it's just like: "And now in this 3 sec sequence we'll make a fast 2'nd degree joke to point out that it might probably have a problem about that but because we want to be totally definitly sure that average people watch this, we'll stop right here and feel like we have done what should have been done and have a clear conscience.

Why noone dares to do things? Why noone does: oh hey, it was funny right? But not only because it refers to a possible social problems/funny truth/fact, it's because THERE IS a problem (or just something unusual for bigots), and we'll continue to smash your eyes and ears through your screen till you puke rainbows! BECAUSE IT IS CREATIVE AND FUN.

It's not a fuck-the-society-comment (although...) but i'm tired of this flat stuffs, it just remind me clean death of vilains in walt disney movies.

Now Jackie chan adventures was the shit