Hey there NG. Welp, I caved in.
Times are weird, and there's no room on the internet for pretentious long-winded productions on the internet unless the author's in high school and has nothing to worry about but better ways of being an ass-kissing wannabe gangster and a little job at Arby's. Since that phase has passed for me, I think it's time I let go of this thing I've been holding onto forever re-doing and trying to get right, and that is my schizophrenic series Necropolis (DevilSlayer, Nightgun, whatever you wanna call it).
I had aspirations to make something that would be on par with my favorite web series like XIN, Xombie and all those, but I've come to the realization that doing this by myself with no revenue and no help, it'll never be what I want it to be. Now suddenly I understand why Freetown and Story of Khale fizzled out.
Mainly, I've decided to cultivate my animation and storytelling skills separately, because together I feel like I haven't really accomplished shit. So, it while it was fun reading all the reviews about how I'm a talentless hack sniveling in Aaron McGruder's shadow, I'm closing the curtain. Bi bi Necropolis!
I'm actually 100% sure this is more significant for me than it is for you guys, but I figured I'd say something at least. :3
Here's to growing up! :P
This is way more of a reaction than I expected actually