Queer black pulp trash cartoons & music. TV storyboard hooker for rent.

Kalen Whitfield @JazLyte

Age 34, Male

Storyboard Skank


Joined on 4/20/06

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Disconnect from NG/Indie Toons

Posted by JazLyte - May 3rd, 2011

I've seen it happen to many of my favorite artists on this site. They make it to college or farther in college, and since their stuff didn't go viral and instantly present them with opportunities to make bank online, they disappear from Newgrounds and go tween for "modern" cartoons and kid's commercials forgetting their S.I.N.s, XINs, Xombies, Stories of Khale, CCCs and Apocolypse Pleases. I hate this, but I really truly feel it's coming on for me and I DON'T WANT IT.

I don't mind tweening for a paycheck, I'd much rather do that than cook fries, but as time goes on, the "logical" reasons for me to continue making Necropolis slowly start disappearing. I feel myself disappearing from this site that I haven't gone a day without visiting since I was 11.

I don't want to stop contributing to the indie toon world just because I'm becoming "financially independent", I still like NG WAAAAAAAAAY more than television, but I guess I had an unrealistic perception of how the entertainment world works; contrary to popular belief, it's very rare that people make a living off of their ideas/passion projects without compromising. But something needs to change before I fall off my pretentious indie high horse, fuck views and money, I just like being a cartoon whore for personal reasons.

I will figure out a way to get back on the corner >:(

Oh, and umm...penis. Ok I'm done being dramatic.

Disconnect from NG/Indie Toons


theres really no reason to leave.

if you tween for da man, then so be it, you are getting paid to get better,

if not, flip them burgers and animate at on your own time..

either way you will still be doing what you love.

Oh, yeah, I'm definitely not leaving, I'm thinking I might have to separate business from pleasure for a little while though. Originally, I was hoping that somehow I'd be able to make money off of Negropolis, but it didn't happen and my ideas kind of drifted off. I'll tween for the man if I can survive while making the cartoons I WANT to make.

I don't give a fuck what you do. Just don't end up like Jordan D.

._. LOL But I love JordanD, he's trying to conquer the universe, but he's still my bromo


i agree man - but at the end of the reason i joined newgrounds(also when i was like 11) is to create my own series that people would care about the way i watched XIN and people would know the characters and have favorites and whatnot - and you've got an awesome series that people really love which i think is awesome (and im jealous of haha)

if i leave newgrounds without attempting to start my own series i will have FAILED

That's what got me going too D: (XIN SPECIFICALLY), you should seriously go for it, I've wanted BADLY to see you do something like that since I saw your old toon Closing In. I wouldn't say you've failed though, your collabs are high up on the list of shit I click first in the portal, don't give up! x.x

MindChamber served it best... getting paid to get better is how I always think about it. In the "pro" world there isn't a lot of opportunity to be doing exactly what you like, fair enough. But it's great practice and can earn you some connections to help you get set up or take a chance on yourself in the future.
Hell, at least once you have the tools all it costs you to animate is your time... it could be worse, you could be in a band and burning cash just to stay active.

Yeah, we've definitely picked a cheap hobby haha. I suppose you're right, I'm probably not putting as much effort into finding the time that I could, that's probably where I need to make the change at. There's a living in art even if it doesn't belong to you, it's not like I can't keep making the shit I love on the side if shirk my my social life :3

That's my dilemma two years ago. In a perfect world we would all be creating animation at our own pace but in the real world, money is a constant concern so yes, you will have to sacrifice some of your independent creativity for earning. However, you seem to be taking this "tweening" thing too lightly. I'm not sure if you'll be working in a studio but if you do, you can learn as much from working in a studio "tweening". You'll learn to keep up with schedules, proper timing and posing, working on a team and most importantly, you'll have a new network of people whom you'll never know if one of them is cool and brave enough to start a new animation studio or venture with you.

Just remember to select the job that will give you the best learning experience. Good luck!

Yeah, actually I didn't think about it that way, I suppose a job is more than a paycheck. I haven't tried working at a studio yet, but I plan to take a crack at it at least once before I recede back to my indie bowels. I'll have to be on the lookout when I do, thanks :)

If i were you i wouldn't slave away to mainstream media if i didn't want to, sure if you don't mind go tween for some big time corporate companies and make big bucks, but if you don't want to don't. get your ass a job at a wendy's flippin' burgers, and rent some holed up shitty apartment where you animate every second you can spare. if thats what makes you happy do it. live your life. you only get one chance.

True. I feel as though I'll be doing a little bit of both of those options haha. I'll figure it out, or I'll be a scatterbrained mess for the rest of my life, one of those two things.

You're gonna need a job, no way around it. But you gotta' aim for something YOU want, just keep thinking of new ways to achieve. Everyone's gotta' accept the system, sad to say. BUT! If you accept it, and UNDERSTAND it, you may be able to find ways around it. TO CHANGE IT! I don't mind artists going through dark times, but so long as they do all they can to get out of it soon.


There IS a way


This is why I'm glad not to be cursed with genuine creativity. Tweening for the man is my dream job!

But seriously, I'm sorry that the industry sucks. With any luck you're pet project will get picked up by a benevolent studio and you'll get full creative control!

PS What the hell happened to your facebook? I miss the constant weeaboo-thrashing status updates. :C

Hehe, yeah to me tweening for the man is a major accomplishment, like I said, better than flipping burgers. I can always find time, but yes a generous, loose-assed studio would be fantabulous >.<

And I deleted my Facebook, mainly because of how distracting it was. I have a tendency to get compulsive with social websites. I'll learn to cope later, for now I'd like to have good grades if you what I meeeaaan

N***a...why werent you at Pico day??

I sowwy ;_;

MindChamber has a point. There is no reason to leave, although it can be hard to find that drive after having the man kick you down.

Teaching Flash for 3 years, I found that by the end of the day I was completely drained of any desire to even look at the program and animate. I've been fortunate that the stuff I've been contracted to do over the past 3 years has allowed me distribution rights to post it on NG and YouTube, regardless of how basic it is. But in all, so very little personal work got done. Since quiting, I've been able to produce some of the best work I've ever done.. Which I'm really excited to get out. I may be unemployed right now, but I don't give a fuck man. Feels great. Living off my savings now and doing what I want for a while until I move to Cali at the end of this year.

I love those "float" moments, they do feel great haha. That'd be cool with me, stockpiling dough and then taking breaks to just dick around, but class is my cartoons' biggest enemy right now ironically, even though they're supposed to be helping me to do them.

I know the feeling man. I'll occasionally get some money sent my way to animate vomiting corpses or gay astronaut porn, but my personal style isn't all that useful to many people- certainly not people with money. And this is my own fault for not actively looking, and the only people that will therefore hire me are fans who are just as broke as me. Making stuff like animated company logos which are all smooth and tweened and corporate would take less of my personal animating time than gay astronaut porn, and it would pay better. My friend Gerkinman has gotten a job at a banner-ad place, and when he comes home he beavers away on his personal projects and stuff for NG, so you don't have to surrender all of your art for work. So get any job you can, and make time to work on your personal stuff, and try and get it out there. Enter film festivals and competitions, pitch your ideas, start your own studio with a bunch of guys, make websites, collaborate, do anything you can to show off. Keep doing this and not only will you feel great, but people WILL pay you for things you want to do, or better yet fund your projects, because you sir are a wonderful wonderful animator and I'm going to be fucked if you throw all your Jazzing away to become an inbetweener.

First off, I want to know where you got work animating vomiting corpses and astronaut porn, because I would love to animate both of those lol. But yeah, I plan on picking back up and doing some major superhuman move where I start attacking this creative career thing from all angles, successful original content gets made so there has to be some secret to it. Thanksyous for all the encouragement, I love you and your art and your dick too you big greasy mammal you :3

Fuck it.


Not being an animator or anything like that, I don't have anything to say on the topic at hand. I will say that it's important to understand that there's a difference between compromising for a dream and actually compromising the dream. Do what you can to make money, especially if it is in your field, but don't give up just because you have set-backs. Be realistic, but don't give in to pessimism. As much as you can, carve out a section of free time to dedicate to your own work, don't let yourself get consumed by all the other bullshit. Most importantly, never stop believing in the possibilities and strive continuously to make it happen.

on a side note, to be fair to Vinnie, he's still doing his own animations (i don't know if he's also working in the industry) just not CCC stuff. I get the feeling he wants to branch out a little from that particular series. Plus, perusing his site I see that he's making CCC comics right now along with a new series, so he's not dead exactly, but I'm kinda surprised that he hasn't posted eps 2 and 3 of his series here.

Yessir, very sound advice. I don't plan on dropping my aspirations anytime soon, I'll ditch my social life and become a hermit first. I haven't bee keeping up with Vinnie too much, I'm not particularly fond of Astromeow, but he's not exactly doing what he was doing. I dunno, I'mma go dick around his website and seek the truth though.

I have to agree with Mind Chamber on this. Here's a suggestion: Why don't you, Leafworthy, and Chakra-X get together and make your own feature film? It's what Ralph Bakshi did back in the '70s-'80s and he did pretty well.

That would be fucking amazing if I really thought they would do that lol. But I'm in the process of trying to build a team at my school so we'll figure out something.


Also I love you. Come back to my bed :(

I like the sasuke pic btw. Anyway yeah man I totally agree. I see it happen to much alot of good artist don't get enough views. I even found myself working on a naruto fan animation to get more views. =/

ok I dont know what half of what you said ....like what ever tween means (im not an artis but I love newgrounds) all I know is that the cartoons AND you pic`s are f**king amazing and I would be very depresed to know that you left NG hope it all cools down bro - peace