Epic flash toons. It was just a fad wasn't it? Just like killing celebs, Wassup and stick people comedy, right? Seems like there used to be something to look forward to here all the time, but now it's just so bland except for on NG holidays.
Good flash still comes through, but there's rarely anything ambitious anymore that catches you off guard with how much time and effort the artist put into it. People have realized that nobody gives a fuck anymore about effort as long as shit's short and mildly comedic or pretty.
I'm getting a little bored, but I can't stop looking.
Prove me wrong plz. Srsly.
Funny you should write this today. I was just thinking about how I used to watch XIN back in the day. Good times.
I wouldn't say its a fad. There are still flashes I look forward to and orgasm over when I see them in the portal. My theory is that as standards for art and animation have risen, it is more economical to make something that catches people's attention fast, holds it, and looks good. Comedy is great for that. Epic action flashes are harder to do that, though someone should bring it back.
I love epic flash tales that take 10 years to make because after year three the artist enters the real world, finds a job, loses a job, gets addicted to crack, goes through rehab, makes spam, and then realizes he has unfinished .FLA's on his hard drive. But after all these years his artistic talent has improved, so he has to re-start the project. Then a few more episodes are produced before his computer spontaneously explodes, and after saving up / whoring himself out for a new one finally finishes the epic...but the old fan base has died and the newer fans have no idea what is going on. So the Flash gets negative reviews for a few weeks because kids these days can't sit still through 18 episodes of awesomeness. So the artist gives up Flash forever and probably gets a job as a paper pusher or something. A few months after he leaves everyone realizes how awesome his flash is, and when we PM him...and get no response...we assume he's dead.
Three years later he makes a comeback but nobody cares and / or considers him an alt.
Where was I going with this??? OH YAH!!!
Want to write an epic flash series?!??!?!?! :D LOL LOL LOL LOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOL XD XD XD XD
Yeeeaah I get what you're saying, it's rarely ever worth the effort as far as gaining popularity to undertake anything too out of your own range, more than a year on a single flash movie is ridiculous. I'm just saying, damn... For god sakes somebody surprise me... Story of Khale, Corey Stuck in Purgatory, CCC and Freetown are dead; even Apocalypse Please for as much Five-Iron's talking. Eh....