Hey passersby, it's 4am and I'm sitting here working on a little game job I got recently. I have The Roots playing in the background, so I'm feeling deep right now.
Why is the audience for flash movies so small?
Hm... I don't think I've mentioned it before on here, but after Synergy I realized that I'm not getting much of anywhere with my goals making these long-ass wannabe-epics. Not that I'm going to stop, there is nothing I love more than spreading my obnoxious opinions through allegory hidden by over-the-top fight scenes and immature comedy, it's great for my portfolio. I just wonder sometimes why it is that if you're not either Adam Phillips or Oney, cinematic flash is a dead end... It's no secret that people typically go for flash games first...okay, I get that, but what would it take for the internet audience to appreciate cinematic flash more? Is it just me that would much rather watch Flash than TV?
I appreciate the commission work I've gotten on Flash Game License and Flash Game Art, but why is it that there's no actual MARKET for flash movies? Are we movie animators giving it up too easily? Do you think the internet would miss us if we stopped giving it up for free? :3 I think personally that it'd be cool if there were a site where people could bid on indie cartoons for their websites. Maybe then there would be some extra money in us half-decent animators' pockets too instead of just game developers and god-status animators.
this n***a.
A nigger? WHERE??