Queer black pulp trash cartoons & music. TV storyboard hooker for rent.

Kalen Whitfield @JazLyte

Age 34, Male

Storyboard Skank


Joined on 4/20/06

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Insomniac Thoughts

Posted by JazLyte - August 3rd, 2010

Hey passersby, it's 4am and I'm sitting here working on a little game job I got recently. I have The Roots playing in the background, so I'm feeling deep right now.

Why is the audience for flash movies so small?

Hm... I don't think I've mentioned it before on here, but after Synergy I realized that I'm not getting much of anywhere with my goals making these long-ass wannabe-epics. Not that I'm going to stop, there is nothing I love more than spreading my obnoxious opinions through allegory hidden by over-the-top fight scenes and immature comedy, it's great for my portfolio. I just wonder sometimes why it is that if you're not either Adam Phillips or Oney, cinematic flash is a dead end... It's no secret that people typically go for flash games first...okay, I get that, but what would it take for the internet audience to appreciate cinematic flash more? Is it just me that would much rather watch Flash than TV?

I appreciate the commission work I've gotten on Flash Game License and Flash Game Art, but why is it that there's no actual MARKET for flash movies? Are we movie animators giving it up too easily? Do you think the internet would miss us if we stopped giving it up for free? :3 I think personally that it'd be cool if there were a site where people could bid on indie cartoons for their websites. Maybe then there would be some extra money in us half-decent animators' pockets too instead of just game developers and god-status animators.


this n***a.

A nigger? WHERE??

I've noticed it too, I don't watch most of the cartoons on television (with a FEW exceptions) because they're too kiddie or made by some big name comic company. Its also sad that the majority of animators can't live off what they make here despite the fact that they're stuff rivals what is on TV (your stuff for example) and that they put their whole beings into these projects but aren't recognized.

I wanna change that though, I want to reach the end of the road of being a flash animator, and when I get there, I'll build another road for everyone else here to continue on so we all can be great together. The 3 obstacles though are
1 Money (of course) 2 Finding others to help me (non-animators that is) and
3 I have to depend on those who I'm trying to help that they'll make the right decisions.
Even if I become the richest man alive and get the best people for the jobs in mind it'll all fall apart if everyone here can't keep it together.

I'm not going to say what it is though until the time comes of course :3! I want it to be a surprise for everyone when the time comes.
Argh! I shouldn't be here posting I gotta work on becoming an animator first! O_0
Hope to see you then. :)

I agree with the first paragraph, but the other two both confused and aroused me.

Maybe you should make the story for Devil Slayer a little more easier to follow, I semi-recently just watched all of them and the story was all over the place. And maybe you should invest in that. Make a cute little website where you could bid on indie cartoons, it sounds like a profitable investment. And I've recently started to watch more flash movies then I do play flash games but that's probably because of there only being a flash game I love once every month. I'm getting to lazy to play some of these games nowadays.

I know, Devil-Slayer is a lost cause though, and aside from Necropolis being LOOSELY based off it, it has nothing to do with the canon. I really would rather people not watch it anymore.

Also, it crossed my mind, but I'm not exactly sure where to start, financially speaking. I can't think of anybody out there who's surfing the net looking for indie toons to buy. I'm sure Tom and them pay some of the big names here, but not alot.

I considered starting a site and purchasing the toons myself, starting small and working my way up. But If I were to start a site like this, the standards would be excruciating, the rules to keep things together would be overbearing and the money would be tiny at first. The site would be running on artistic integrity for fuel xD. Mainly because basement animators are usually so excited to just have people look at their shit, they spread it around everywhere, killing all its potential value. I dunno though, I'll give it some thought. Trust me, there's nothing I'd love more than to do something like this.

Actually I agree with Onizero, why don't you do it? After all the second you say "Why isn't there *whatever it is*" That's your idea that you can use and develop all for your own. Try to find ways in which you can make a bidding site for flash, everything is possible.

Trust me, I'm thinking about it. Read the response I gave OniZero, it sums up my thoughts on the matter.

First off...you should be in bed mister. I'm calling your house in ten minutes simply to be an asshole.

You're definitely not the only one who would rather watch Flash than TV. There are many more flash movies and series that are better than some things on TV right now. However that being said, the majority of the money in animation is on TV and in the theatres, so that's what people invest in and try to go to.

You made a good point, that internet is great for making a name for yourself and getting a portfolio out there, and that's probably the way it will stay. A bidding site for flash animations, that probably could make some money for somebody. However, I look at it as a long term vs a short term investment. Games are a long term investment because you can replay them and get a slightly different experience each time. Toss The Turtle was effectively the same action every time you shot your little reptile to oblivion, but it was still fun to see how high, how far, and how many times you could cause bodily harm. Flash movies are usually one watch and done. Even though I LOVE some movies here on Newgrounds and outside of the internet, I dont' want to spend the time watching it over and over again when there usually isn't something big to gain from it. There are exceptions to this rule of course...for some reason Leo & Satan never gets old, but those are exceptions, not the rule.
For this reason, I think bidding on flash animations is not a huge market, but one that deserves thought from somebody with money to spare.

This is the weird nature of the internet. So much free content for the user, but not a lot of pay-off for the creator.

You fool! You've warned me of your plot, enabling me to TURN DOWN THE RING VOLUME. >BD

And you're right, the internet is pretty much created for the consumer. But this isn't something that's out of we artists' control. We're giving up our art too easily, and many of us including myself get way more pleasure out of views and reviews than I should. Like I was telling Onizero, when all people think about is feedback and popularity they start spreading their shit around everywhere and their work LOSES VALUE.

Okay I was purposely being vague on those 2 paragraphs because I sorta get paranoid about who and how I share my ideas but... aroused?O_0