So I watched the Japanese sub of Ponyo....
And wow, Meeyazacky-sammuh was TRULY making something for the kiddies. It didn't just have a youthful charm like Spirited Away, I mean this movie like some Dora the Explorer shit, sans the pauses that create the illusion of interactivity for a gullible mind.
Visually, I don't believe it beat Spirited away, though the animation was significantly more present than an any of his previous works (I still would've liked some shading and some more stylish colors, it just came across as old-school to me). But nonetheless, it was enjoyable, and Ponyo and Sosuke's interactions were completely fucking adorable.
I say watch it, but it's no Princess Mononoke (Pleasefortheloveofgodhayaomakeasequel ), This is truly made for 8's and under.
Oh, and dis-n***a-ry-cheer, is shockingly a man.
the way the hair looks reminds me of dead leaves.
fucking love Princess Mononoke. Good movie.
I agree