Queer black pulp trash cartoons & music. TV storyboard hooker for rent.

Kalen Whitfield @JazLyte

Age 34, Male

Storyboard Skank


Joined on 4/20/06

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Spaz always made me want to flip out on kids growing up... but then I realized how that would only prove them right :/

The more people cry about it, the funnier it is when used at random.

Ergo, nïgger is one of my favourite words. :P

Lol yes mine too. I used to bitch about that word so much myself, when I finally found out it was just air and sound waves I couldn't help but laugh

I used to get offended by the Jewish remarks. Then I realize we control the media anyways so whose the sheep now motherfucker?

They're words. They are only imbued with as much power as we are wiling to relinquish.


Couldn't have said it better myself <3

I don't think words of any kind offend me these days

I enjoy physical and psychological pain so no.

They don't bother me~

I'm offended when people use words like n****r or AIDS or cancer as triggers in comedy, as if that's all you need to do to make people laugh.
It's insulting to your audience that you think they're that dim, it's insulting to real comedians and the work they put in, it's insulting the world and evolution of comedy, you're letting yrself down, it's just all-around a real pain in the arse that people swing fr the lowest fruit on the tree like that.

I kinda like racial slurs used in comedy because I feel that the comedian isn't holding back, but I agree with you. Vulgarity has to be used with just as much thought and cleverness as anything else. Also, I DO NOT find terminal diseases funny either, that is something that's outside of my paradigm.

i hate when people use the word **** i never know what they are saying

I hate it when people call me white, it's such an insensitive word...

Not much bothers me anymore, but if no women weigh in on this subject, c**t is a BIG bad word for them. Really. Even the ones who talk like sailors or truck drivers eschew the word....

I wonder why even a place like Newgrounds would censor it.

I was thinking the same thing... But I'll give the staff the benefit of the doubt and assume that they don't want to scare away new viewers or advertisers on the main pages. We can pretty much get away with anything in our cartoons and games though as long as we made it, so I'm not complaining.

it's not the words that matter to me, it's the way you use them.

like if a friend came up to me and went like "yo, n***a what's up", I wouldn't be offended, because it's used in the same context as words like "man" or "dude",

but if like someone said "man what's with black people, I hate those n****rs", I'd probably take offense to that.

jokes on the other hand, I don't find jokes offensive no matter what. Unless the creator of the joke was targeting out people and trying to be offensive, but then that wouldn't be a joke anymore.

Yeah, a lot of us seem to share that sentiment. I don't anymore though for some reason, to me I feel like getting offended by "nigger" used in any context is a self-attack, lol I hope you dislike that second sentence because the person said that they hate you, not because they said the word nigger with it. It's just the word negro(which doesn't bother us) pronounced lazier.

I hate being called a fag cuz im a bisexual

I have an acquired taste

Im also just really horny all the time...

I'm gay as hell and also fairly horny, but I can't make myself get offended when called a fag when I use it so much myself lol. I can't lie though, it does make me cringe sometimes to hear people using the word "gay" to describe things that are stupid or undesireable. But I can usually keep my cool about it, it's still just breath and vibrations you fuckin faggot, it says alot about our culture but doesn't DO shit :3

Totally depends on the use.
I could easily be offended by any of those words under the right context.

...YOU?!?!? Ryan you have betrayed me.

OH I just realised what you're asking; Yes I find n****rs offensive.


Only some russian bullies offend me with their language words !

Words don't have any power unless.. a fuck it, what RicePirate said.

the word maybe...
it always in the end turns out to be a no

I don't get offended by much. But he other day a gentleman decided he was going to call my fiance a n****r. Therefore I had to hurt him. I don't appreciate things like that simply because it's her.


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