Queer black pulp trash cartoons & music. TV storyboard hooker for rent.

Kalen Whitfield @JazLyte

Age 34, Male

Storyboard Skank


Joined on 4/20/06

Exp Points:
1,542 / 1,600
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
5.44 votes
Art Scouts
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
9y 10m 11d



jk I'll help ya out, just let me get back to my other homework....Spanish exam on Friday HOORAY!!!! :) *kill me*

IM me and we'll talk the talk

i cant fp yet...


I love this place, Everything By Everyone, the only rules stopping you from doing something is just general not being a d*** and not making a crappy flash. It's also a place for indie people here, there's no marvel, DC, or any other big name company or studio coming in and taking places away from the people this site was meant for, like a giant underground city!

Of course as you mentioned there are some problems such as spammers, they do still get in through votes. And that's honestly fine with me, no matter how much I hate it, THE PEOPLE get to decide what's allowed and what isn't, videos are rarely removed from the site with the exception of them being stolen. Unlike Youtube where they may find a hint of a song in the background and then delete the video.

Many people have risen up and now there are those who are known as "god status" animators like Adam and Oney. They show just how far people can go on the site and they're good people, just like all the other animators (and otherwise) who are right on their tails. Those who seem to always get first place when they make something.

One thing that does somewhat disturb me is how the "Riff Raff", non artists, seem a bit ignored, they really only interact with friends or only other non-artists. But then again we need to earn our place here.

The site seems alive and upbeat even though there may be some times when nothing much is really going on. But it always pains me when animators tell of how they do struggle with life and working their way up, how they try but can't seem to be on the same level as the gods. Like soft cries behind cheerful words.

No matter what though I believe NG is an exemplatory website that is fully functional, everyone has easy access to each other, and its run like a club with hundreds of friends. Not like a buisiness with random people.

Newgrounds and everyone on it are an inspiration to me so that I can start working now instead of waiting, Tom was only a kid too when he made the site.


Oh, and happy Madness day :P

I want more Egoraptor Awesome Toons! Oh how I miss them and the emotions they evoke :(

I think the most memorable post is one made by sucho in one of her newsposts. I could never figure out a proper response that would do a post like that justice. But it was really moving and shows how newgrounds is almost a lifestyle choice than just some dumb site made by some kid. Yoink!

<a href="http://sucho.newgrounds.com/news/post/490920">http://sucho.newgrounds.com/news/post /490920</a>

Well, what to say about NG culture?

Basicly, it's a website destinated to let people express them self and present what they're abble to do with a computer. The concept of everything by everyone is nothing but that.

On my opinion, it's just too sad to get space being wasted by crappy flash such as KK's one. I mean, they're really nothing but 2 frames spam... Sad too that more than the half of new submitions are stuff made by people that just download the software and "learned" to use it in the same hour. Stickman fight? Come on! A video of you singing converted in swf? Youtube's made for that!

But, thanks god! We still have some good stuff to look at. Happy Harry, Egoraptor, Redarvest ... they all make must-be-view movies. Thanks too that we have some kind viewers, ready to leave a constructive comment on your new submission.

Srly, NG is THE place for a junior-animator to begin... If you give yourself a little kick where i'm thinking about. People on NG will be glad to welcome you in their universe if you don't wast their time with crappy flashs.

That's pretty much my vision of NG culture.

Hentai and Newgrounds go together like peas and carrots. While many would argue that it's a problem, I disagree. It is testament to the fact that Newgrounds is free of censors and ones own creativity can be explored without boundaries or rules. Now you may wonder exactly how this association came to be. Everything on Newgrounds is a vital part of it's evolution. In the beginning, Newgrounds was a small site with only maybe a thousand or so visitors. Soon it began to grow and traffic to the site began to grow. The flash portal opened and people began to upload there own movies and games. The cost of running Newgrounds began to increase and advertisers were few. The staff was forced to have ads for porn site along side the other ads. There ads to many different type of porn sites, none of it was anything all that extreme but one there were some ads that were different. There were ads for Hentai sites, It's pretty safe to say that some people were introduced to hentai through Newgrounds. Soon dress-up games began to appears and it was clear that Newgrounds attracted an older crowd. One day a flash came along and introduced a new genre to Newgrounds, Simgirls. Soon dating sims became quite popular on Newgrounds. Soon the portal was being filled with dating sims. Over the years Newgrounds has seen many adult submissions and many more will come. For those that concerned and think this is bad for Newgrounds and are worried your favorite site will turn in to a full blow porn site, relax. That will never happen. If anything it was more likely to happen when Newgrounds was still young. If you look at all the submissions in the portal that can be labeled as porn you'll see it nothing more than a drop in the bucket. The Newgrounds community is far too vast for any specific genre or fad to consume Newgrounds.
Ultimately it has made Newgrounds what it is today. What that is I'm not sure anymore but it will always be EVERYTHING by EVERYONE.

It's an unrelated question but did you find a programmer yet?

I watch more newgrounds flash movies than I watch TV. Without this site I wouldn't care about animation, much less attempt it. Newgrounds ultimately connects talented people and people who want to develop skill or just admire skillful animation together. Visit this site often enough and you get to know the names of people with and without skill and watch them grow. You can develop mutual pride for the accomplishments of your favorite artists when they release something amazing. I often think "I know that guy look what he/she did this time, awesome!". I like to think this is a place where legends are born.

However, like any community there are challenges and problems. For one you have to sort out the good flash from the spam and this can be time consuming. Sure judgment and scores of incoming flashes help out a lot but the best flashes are often not the ones on the top 50 list. I think about half the animations up there are garbage. I associate garbage on the top 50 as the influence of "zombie fans" usually of non-newgrounds origin, who are only here to puff up the score of the artist they blindly follow. I am routinely disappointed with the best of the month. I take voting for that seriously and I feel like people just pick the longest running series or the one stuck in their head rather than reviewing the list and remembering which one was actually good. Also, the "13 year-old" phenomenon can cause improper rating. But the ability to appeal to the warped general audience is a skill in its own right. Also there a lot of not so nice users out here but I often find that they are "good-guys" on the inside, if you get to know them and can take a few sarcastic remarks. But the overwhelming majority of users I come in contact with are nice to begin with, helpful and supportive. For the record there is only one user on this site I can actually say I genuinely don't like.

Unfortunately, there are malicious groups which either 0 bomb talented flashes into oblivion or steel slots in the daily first or weekly first by ip exploitation... but generally this doesn't happen and when it does the staff does its best to remove the problem if noticeable.

I'd also like to say that newground is not just about flash. I enjoy the music and art of many newgrounders in addition to flash but flashes are what I spend the most time on. In-fact, I got to your profile from a piece of art you submitted recently (which I liked). In the year I've been consistently hanging around this site I have generated a favorites list of 197 flashes 46 flash authors 70audio submissions 10audio artists 207 pieces of art and 11 art creators... not to mention I also follow flashes that I review because I only put the best flashes on my fav list. Some day I'd like to make a guide to newgrounds top flashes with artist background info but for now I don't have time. Which brings me to my next point.

Since newgrounds has been around for over 10 years now and the economy is generally poor many of the artists now have jobs not necessarily in anything artistic. I find that newgrounds has a somewhat diverse background of people who bring their own knowledge and experiences into the flash realm and many of them do well. I'd like to cite the flash "Scale of the Universe" which is/was on the top 50 for a long time despite a heavy science influence. I myself am a neurobiologist and someday I will probably submit a neurobiology inspired flash.

In the end newgrounds is a free community where the exchange of ideas entertains, uplifts and supports a artists, while sometimes it fails and causes dissolution with the site (examples: LadyArsenic, or mindchamber going at it with other artists.(he is actually a good guy overall tho))

Oh you might want to take a look at "TheInterviewer" <a href="http://theinterviewer.newgrounds.com/">http://theinterviewer.newgrounds.com/
</a> he did like 32 interviews with prominent newgrounders.

So thanks for taking my spam flavored thoughts and thank you also for making such great flashes that don't sacrifice thought provoking story for cheep "13year-old appeals." You are part of my list and I instantly recognized your style/characters while browsing the art portal.